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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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having watched a bunch of black and white movies,and seen a bunch of black and white pictures,whitch were obviously old.I concluded that in the old days every thing was only black and white,and those films and pictures were made before color was invented. Color was invented somewhere in the 70's

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I used to believe that in the old days it was all sepia or black and white, because thats how all the pictures were.

Q to the C
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When I was little my grandpa and I would watch a lot of black and white horror movies ( which I didn't find too scary compared to say, Aliens) and I never understood why old movies where in Black & White. So I asked my grandpa if it was weird living back then when there was no color.

It didn't occure to me that it was just the film, and not everything was black and white a long time ago! After all, all the photos and movies weren't in color.

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i used to beleive that when i was watching black and white films everyone was actually walking around in a black and white world.i used to ask my grandparents 'what was it like in the black and white days? silly girl.......

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when i saw old black and white films or pictures, i used to believe that the entire world used to be black and white until they invented a machine to make everything have color

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When I was really little (about 3, 4, or 5) my mum watched old television shows such as "Bewitched", "Dick van Dyke", "Mr. Ed", "I Love Lucy" and others.
And all of those programs from the past were all in black-and-white, so I just thought that back then, the world used to be in black-and-white instead of colour.

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I used to believe the world was all black and white until someone invented color.

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When i was a kid and was shown black and white photo's of my mum and dad and grandparents etc, i used to think that the world was in black and white too!!
And the world had only come into colour recently!!!
They did laugh when i asked them what the world was like "before colour"!!!

Peter Upan
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Fom watching black and white movies, I decided that the real world must have been black and white before someone discovered colour. I thought it must have been boring in those days, and was thankful to be growing up in the 80s!

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When I'd see a black and white movie on TV, I'd always wonder when people started being "in color."

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When i was young, in the mid eighties, I believed that the world used to be black and white, until they invented color television sets.

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I used to believe that in the past, the world was in black and white, or at least sepia-toned, like the old movies and photos in Life magazine. Only recently, when the History Channel has been showing documentary footage of World War II in color, have I realized that I used to think this. Hitler and his cronies ought to have gray skin, don't you think?

Mel Phistopheles
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I used to believe: that when TV was black and white, it was because the world was black and white. so when TV went colour, I assumed it was because the world had switched too.

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I used to believe that the whole world was black and white, since all the photos were. Then one day they miraculously turned to colour. I couldn' explain why but they did.

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the most nostalgic moments of life were when my friends and i played all evening on the lawn, and the sun was setting, creating an orange luminescence in the sky. i temporarily believed that the orange sky was the result of our high levels of fun. it was quite difficult to achieve.

Chris Dlugosz
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because all the old movies on tv were in black and white i thought that this meant the world used to be in black and white

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My brother used to think that when movies were black and white, people were actually black and white and only wore black and white clothing.

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i used to think that everything was actually black and white before the 1940s or something

hip hip
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I used to be told, whilst watching TV, that before 1960, or whenever, there was no colour. I used to think that before 1960, ther was no colour at all. Trees were grey. Water was grey. People were black or white or grey.

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My girlfriend used to believe that everthing used to really be black and white like in the old TV shows.

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