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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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When I was young I believed that in the olden days the whole world was black and white , like in old films.

Leon H.
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After watching black and white movies and looking at black and white pictures from my parents' childhoods, i thought that at some point in the past, the world was black and white.

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I though the world used to be black and white

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For years I always used to think that the world was actually black and white when black and white films were made!!!

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I used to believe that the world during the war was all black and white with no colour, this is because of the history shows on TV which only showed it in black and white.

Stan the man
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I'm glad to see that there are several others who also believed that the world only became colourful during the 1960s!

Uncle Korky
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I used to believe that the world was black and white and that films/photographs in black and white were actually colour photos of how it was back then. I'm glad I wasn't the only one - some of my childhood demons have finally been laid to rest. I am NORMAL!! WAYHAY!!!!!!!!

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I too used to think the world used to be black and white, as both the TV and cameras took black and white pictures. I never questioned this, so it was a few years before I realised I was wrong!

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When I was wee and watching television programmes in Black and White (on a colour television) I used to think that the world was once colourless and only 'black and white'. My mum put me straight once I'd posed this as a question to her!

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I used to believe that old films were in black and white because thats how the world looked then.

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When I was younger I used to beleive that the in the olden days everything was black and white just like on the old movies.

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When I was younger and watched films in black and white, I used to think that the world was really only black and white and that the world suddenly became colourful overnight.

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Born in 1959, my early TV "world" was Black & White, then color came in to our home. Well then I used to believe the World pre 1960's was in Black & White, we humans starting seeing color post 1960!

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I used to think that in the olden days everything was black and white, because thats the way it was in the movies. I remember I tried to ask my nan but was even more confused when she didnt understand me properly. I thought that way for a long time, I guess I grew out of it.

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After watching old black and white movies, I thought that the real world was black and white, as well. I thought that colors were invented about 40 years ago.

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i used to think that in the olden days, people couldnt see any colors, like it was all black and white, like on old televisions, after seeing several history footage on tv.

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I thought that everybody who lived before me used to see things in black and white not in colour. because old photos were in black and white and old films were in black and white too, therefore people only saw things in black and white prior to 1974. I asked my mother about it when i was 6 and she rectified the situation.

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I used to believe that when you saw a black-and-white film on television that people only saw in black-and-white at that time. Does that make sense? In other words, people didn't see in color until color film was invented. Really.

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Before colour was invented the whole world actually was sepia (brown) and white.

Damn, it is a good thing that they invented colour!

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I used to think that my parents and other relatives used to see things black and white and went to colour with the creation of colour TV.
When I was told that photos weren't invented until the 1830s, and the only way people could see pictures of each other was oil painting. I thought that people in this age saw images through oil paintings.

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