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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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When I was little I thought that at some point in time they invented color. Because I saw movies of the past and they were in black and white.

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I used to believe the world was black and white until they invented color tv's. I used to ask my mom what it was like when they couldn't see anything in color and what it was like when the whole world could finally see in color.

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I used to wonder why some movies were in black and white and while others were in color. I came up with the idea that the whole world had only recently develped color and prior to this, the whole world had existed in only black and white colors.

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I used to think that before colour television, the world was in black and white!

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When i used to watch black and white movies (films like Laurel and Hardy) i really thought that back on those days everything was black and white!

Ashim K Das
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i used to believe that in these days when black and white films were made they didn't have color and that colors in general were invented lateron. i always felt sorry for all these people living in a world without colors.

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when I was a kid I thought the world was black n white at one time, because of black n white pictures. I asked my grandpa when the world turned to color as i held a black n white picture, he said what are you talking about? I said when did everything become color? He said It's always been in color. but they did'nt have color film in the old days. Silly Me

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I used to believe that once upon a time (early 1960's and before) there was no color in the world - that everything was black and white. And thats why old movies were black and white! :oD

Patrick Lynn Burns
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When looking at my mom's old photos I used to tell her that I am glad I did not grow ip when she did because everything was in black and white.

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I used to believe that people in "the old days" could only see in black and white because all old tv programs were black and white.

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I used to believe that color did not exist in the olden days, and the olden days constituted anything before my birth.
This belief came about while watching an old movie on television and commenting to my mother that there was no color. Her response was, “yes dear, we did not have color back when that movie was made”.

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All the old television programmes were in black and white so I thought that colours were not invented when my parents were younger and the world used to be just black and white (and shades of grey!)

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I used to believe that the world had no colors, but was all black and white. This belief came about because of watching old movies that were filmed in black and white. I thought the world had somehow changed and became colorful at the time color filming began. I believed the color or lack of color in movies reflected real life.

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When I would see black and white movies and old black and white photos I used to think in the old days in the 1930-1950's the world was actually black and white and void of color.

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I use to belive that in black and white pictures, it was that 'colour', the world was back then

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I used to believe that when my parents were kids everything was in black and white just like there pictures.

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I used to believe that the world used to be in black and white. Historic times and events were shown in old film clips and only in "modern times" were shown in color. To me the world of color could not have existed in the past.

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I used to believe that the world was all black and white like in old films until one day when someone invented colour..

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When I was younger, i believed that black'n white tellys, was actually what people looked like in the older days, and that they didn't have colors until i was born :p

Andreas Wilhelmsen
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I used to believe that there were other colours, people just hadn't found them yet. I imagined it might look like a pattern. I would spend hours trying to think of this new colour while looking under rocks and behind chairs.

Lisa G
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