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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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I never thought that the world used to be in black-and-white -- but I did think that colour photos and movies would inevitably turn black-and-white over a few decades, until my Mom set me straight.

Silly Dan
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I used to think the world was in black and white before...I only had pictures to jugde from :)

Steinar (OGAE)
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Like many people - I believed that things in the past were all in Black and White and that Colour was a recent invention (coinciding with the invention of the colour tv - naturally). I remember watching a school program one day and it was a recreation of a typical 40s/50s small northen (england) town and family... and it was in colour!! I was sooo confused (I remember thinking "this is so wrong, they've put colour into it!").. then I realised... luckily I never said anything at the time :D

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When I was growing up, all the home movies were black and white and all good theatre movies were black and white. I thought that before the 1950's everyone was black and white

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that every thing was in black/whit in the old days , and i never would grown up and my mum always was gonna be the same age , but i cried when i founded out that i had failed, because then i understand that my mom would die a day

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I used to believe that the early days of the twentieth century actually were in black and white--because the photos were! I also used to believe that if you turned on an antique radio, you would hear music from that era.

Michelle Spring, Centreville, Virginia
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I used to believe up until about the age of 10 that in the past the world was in black and white, because of black and white films.

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When I was much smaller, I would look at old pictures that my parents had around the house (the ones with "sepia" tones). I used to think that's what the world looked like back in the old days. How boring!

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This isnt my belief but on a bus trip I one convinced two children I know that the world used to be black and white and that is why old movies arent in colour. They asked their grandmother to confirm it and she told them that only trees were in colour.

Mr Chips
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My parents are both big fans of classic movies. Naturally as a child I watched them, too, but I couldn't figure out why they were all in black and white. My dad explained that they made all those movies (and TV shows) before they invented color.

Seemed reasonable to me, so I told all my friends. We also thought that's where the racial terms "black" and "white" came from. Oh, and "B.C" (as in 400 B.C.) meant "Before Color".

Oh, the embarassment when I discovered the truth...

Big Dave
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I used to look at black and white pictures of my parents when they were young and I would also watch old black and white tv shows....I was convinced that the entire world simply wasn't in color back then.

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When I was a child I believed that back in the time when they had black and white photos that the world was black and white.

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I use to think that the whole world was black and white when my mom was a kid because of all the old tv shows...

Jesse Kleinpeter
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since i only ever saw black and white pictures of the early 20th century, I thought that everything really was black and white until 'color was invented'

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When I was ickle, I used to think that in the olden days of black and white films and photography, people saw in black and white. And some time in the 1950's people learnt to see in colour.

Danny Kendall from Grange Hill
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When I was (really) young I used to believe that pre-1950's the world and everything in it was black and white because that was what old films and tv looked like.

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I used to believe that in 'the olden days' the world was black and white.

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I used to think that when my parents and grandparents were children the world was black and white because those were the only pictures I ever saw of them. I remember wondering when the world turned to color, but I never asked....

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My mother used to show me pictures from "the old days" that were in black and white. This led me to believe that the whole world was black and whitein "the old days"

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That my granparents, when they were young, used to see in black & white. When I was six or so, and after watching one of his favourite films (in black & white, of course)with him, I asked my grandfather when he started to see in colour and if it came as a bit of shock. He gave a "convincing" answer. He lived off the story for years.

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