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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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When I was little I thought that people saw in black and white before the advent of color TV. Once color TV was invented people began to see in color too.

Christina T.
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I used to think that, back in the 40s or whenever (before they had color TVs) that everything was in black and white - people, everything. Then I thought that everything just turned to color one day. Weird, huh?

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When I was a small child, I thought that the world used to be in black and white and someone invented color before I was born. I asked my mother "When did you get color?" as we were looking through old pictures and it took a minute for her to understand what I was talking about. She has yet to let me forget about this.

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When I was little I used to beleive that black and white movies where like that because colors didn't exist back then.

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i used to believe the olden days were black and white

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My mom is a subsitute teacher and she was telling a class about like back in the 50's because they were reading a story from that time period. One of the kids raised their hand and asked "Was everything black and white back then?" because all the shows from that period were black and white.

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I used to believe that the world was black and white because of the photos and felt sorry for people in the past

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When I was little I watched a lot of TV with my grandma. So I asked her once, "Was the world black and white when you were a kid?"

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I used to think people in black and white pictures lived in a black and white world.

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I remembered as a kid lookin' at old photos of my dad and then seeing a video when he was about 7. Bearing in mind the films were in black and white i was fascinated. I used to think in the old days everything was in black and white, not just on film but actually in REAL LIFE..like the sky was grey.

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I used to believe that there was such a thing as 'the black and white days' as I thought black and white films were real and people actually lived in black and white with no colour

Jess Small
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I used to believe that life before the 1950s was in black and white, like the films!!

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From watching old tv shows in black and white, I wondered when did the world change into color??

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As a child, I used to believe that at the time of Black and White films, everything was black and white outside and when I was born I brought color. It took me a while to realise when my dad said "You brange life into color" He didn't mean it literally.

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I used to believe that color was an invention; roughly around 1955 or so. The world prior to the invention of color was black and white (of course). The rationale was that all old movies and television shows were in black and white, and therefore, color had not been invented yet.

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I used to believe everything was black and white in the olden days.

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I used to believe the world was black and white from pictures from the past.

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hey i used to believe that because tv was in black in white before the 60s, i thought the world was black in white before then. i believed someone dropped a can of paint and it created colours and the world as we knew it was created... i was very young at the time!

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When I was about 2-5 I used to believe that color didn't always exist. That someone actually invented color. I had all the proof, pictures of my grandparents and baby pictures of my parents were in black and white, old movies were in black and white.

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I used to believe that because TV was in black and white, the world in the past was all in black and white.. Yeah.

The Bard
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