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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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My daughter told me when she was small she always thought that "Before colour television the world was black & white"

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I used to believe that before color television, the whole world was black and white

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Based on a picture of my mom in her Easter dress, I thought the world used to be in black and white before color photography was invented.

Kodachrome Kid
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when i was younger my mum told me that everything was black and white in 'her' day. I thought she meant that EVERYTHING was black and white (not just on TV!) and that colour was a new thing.

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When I was younger, I used to think that people who lived before color TV (like my grandparents) lived in a world of black and white...

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When my brother was very young, he asked my mom when the world turned into colour. By watching old TV shows in black and white, he thought that the whole world was that way.

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when i was little i used to think the world was in black and white, cos i only ever saw black and white clips of the old days on tv!

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Since there were black and white movies in the past, I believed the whole world used to be in black and white.

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I used to believe that the world was greyscale up until the late 40s. All the movies from before then were black & white (I had seen alot of them, my parents are big marx bros fans)

then one day I asked my dad "Back when the world was black & white, what color was the ocean?"
It was about a year or so before i realized why he was laughing so hard.

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when i was younger i used to think that before colour television was invented everything was black and white and so before the 60s everything in the world was black and white!

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I was 8 in 1968 when we got our first color tv and my dad bought a polaroid camera that took color pictures. I felt so sorry for my mom and dad because when they were kids the whole world was black and white! Proof positive was in all those photos they kept in the album.

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Until I was maybe 12, I thought that the world used to exist "in black and white" like old movies / photos. When I was ~6 or so, I asked a friend's mom about my theory and she actually told me my theory was right.

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I used to believe that the world was black/white/grey before. Because that's how it looked like on old movies : )

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When I was about 2-5 I used to believe that color didn't always exist. That someone actually invented color. I had all the proof, pictures of my grandparents and baby pictures of my parents were in black and white, old movies were in black and white.

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I used to believe that the world was black and white because of the photos and felt sorry for people in the past

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When i was about 6 or 7, I used to think the world was once in black and white because of the old photo's and films.

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I used to believe that just like movies, life was once in black and white too. And one day, everything just became colorful.

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When I was a kid I thought that "back in the old days" everything was black and white because I used to see old pictures of my gramma and granpa which were black and white.

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I used to believe that black and white movies where black and white because in those days there wassnt any colour in the world :-/ and also that Black and White Cows produced Semi Skimmed Milk

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My neice asked me when she was five years old what life was like when everything was black and white? I asked her, "Do you mean TV shows and photos?" She looked at me with an odd look and said "Didn't you see everything in black and white?" When I told her I saw in color and only TV shows and photographs were black and white she felt a lot better.

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