The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to 14 of 29
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I used to believe that before color tv and photos, the world was black and white and somebody invented color!
I used to believe the old world was all black and white, and the cars and trucks was big bugs. xD!
I used to believe that everything in the "olden days" was in black & white and that colour wasn't invented until the early 1970s.
i used to believe that color was an invention.
i saw photos in black and white and i thought the world used to be in black and white.
to this day i have a hard time translating black and white images into color in my head.
I use to think that the whole world was black and white when my mom was a kid because of all the old tv shows...
I used to believe that the world was all black and white like in old films until one day when someone invented colour..
When I would see black and white movies and old black and white photos I used to think in the old days in the 1930-1950's the world was actually black and white and void of color.
I used to believe that once upon a time (early 1960's and before) there was no color in the world - that everything was black and white. And thats why old movies were black and white! :oD
I used to believe that the real world was black and white. The world and movies turned to color after someone invented color.
I used to believe that the world and everything in it used to be black and white. This is because all the old movies and TV were black and white.
Fom watching black and white movies, I decided that the real world must have been black and white before someone discovered colour. I thought it must have been boring in those days, and was thankful to be growing up in the 80s!
When I was younger, I used to think that the whole world was in black and white until about the 70's (because almost everything I saw on TV about back then was in black and white)
I used to believe the world before I was born was literally black and white and all the people were gray. This was based on all the black and white TV shows they showed when I came home after school like Leave it to Beaver, The Munsters, etc.
When i was little i used to believe in the olden days thre was literallt no colour in the world as my mother used to say, in my day everything was in black and white - obviously talking about the television and photographs.
I used to believe that everything in the world was black and white. I thought everything in the world was colorized sometime in the 60's. I thought that because all te old photos,tv shows and movies I had seen were in black and white.
When I was a little girl, I used to watch westerns with my papa. I always thought that since the picture was black and white, that it was the same back then. I thought that everything was black and white. I also thought that my family came over on the covered wagons that you see on old westerns.:)
I used to beleive that people in the 1930's when T.V. was black and white that people were accually black and white. but not nemore!
I used to believe that everything was black and white in the old days and everyone looked the same because every picture that I saw of people in the 18th century had the same facial features and hair cuts.I also believed that rocks on mountains were parts from this guy my dad made up called "the rock man".I dont plan on telling my children these things
I used to believe that because some older films and tv programmes were black & white, up to a certain point in time, the whole world was actually black & white and colour was only invented recently. How people managed to colour the sky used to baffle me, but i assumed they must have sprayed deodorant into the air until it turned blue!!
i used to think that the world used to be in black and white since all of the pictures from that time weren't in color.. for instance i thought that my grandparents were black and white and lived in black and white until later on when they turned to color
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