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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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i used to believe that life before 1950 was all in black and white...

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When I was little I used to think the world had been in black and white up to a certain time (I guess because I had seen a lot of black and white movies growing up). I figured the world probably became colorized around 1950 something. ;)

Smarter now
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i use to believe that the people in black and white photos were actually black and white. i even asked my mum when the grass became green!

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When I was little I thought that people saw in black and white before the advent of color TV. Once color TV was invented people began to see in color too.

Christina T.
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I was thought that when my mom was growing up, that she grew up in black and white due to olden day black and white movies

i actually asked her one day how it felt that she was living in a "colour world"

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I used to think that the WORLD used to be black and white, due to hearing some relative say "back when we were black and white", meaning "when I was younger". :]

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My daughter used to believe that people in the 40's and 50's were gray and white instead of living color because of the photos she had seen from back then, before color photography.

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I used to believe that everything was in black and white back in the "old days" because of all the black and white programs and films.

Emma B
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I used to think that a few years after the television was invented that the world changed from everything being in black and white to everything being in color.

I didn't ever think of the cameras changing.

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I always thought that the olden days were black & white and the world did'nt turn colour until the sixties !

Sean Browne
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I used to believe that black people couldn't see in color, that everything looked like an episode of "I Love Lucy" to them. That was why they were called black, because they saw in black and white. I never could figure out why I was white and saw color, though.

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My mother used to show me pictures from "the old days" that were in black and white. This led me to believe that the whole world was black and whitein "the old days"

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When I was (really) young I used to believe that pre-1950's the world and everything in it was black and white because that was what old films and tv looked like.

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since i only ever saw black and white pictures of the early 20th century, I thought that everything really was black and white until 'color was invented'

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I used to think the world was in black and white before...I only had pictures to jugde from :)

Steinar (OGAE)
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I used to believe that when my parents were kids everything was in black and white just like there pictures.

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I used to think that before colour television, the world was in black and white!

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When I was little I believed that when my parents were young, the world was black and white. I believed it until I asked my mom when color came in and what she thought of it. She just looked at me funny and asked me what I meant. She laughed when I told her. :-)

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I used to be told, whilst watching TV, that before 1960, or whenever, there was no colour. I used to think that before 1960, ther was no colour at all. Trees were grey. Water was grey. People were black or white or grey.

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because all the old movies on tv were in black and white i thought that this meant the world used to be in black and white

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