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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

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After comparing pictures taken by our family when I was little (which were in color) and the pictures taken when my parents were kids (which were black and white), I thought my parents were so old that colors--not color film--hadn't been invented yet.

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When I was child, I used to believe that, when the pictures were in black and white, people lived without colours. I wondered what happened when the colours appeared: "Was it at one go or progressive? What was the reaction of people?". So I asked to my grandparents and they laughed. Now, of course, I no longer believe at this.

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I used to think that the world used to be in black and white because of old tv shows. When I asked my Grandfather when we became color he said "Ohh.. About 15 years ago." Which didnt help the situation.

Michael B
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The first time I saw a black and white movie I thought that color didn't exist before 1950. I had nightmares about it until I saw a picture in color from 1943.

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When I was a kid, I noticed that when I saw films that were old, they were in black and white, but the world outside was color. I came to the conclusion that there was a point in time where the entire world was black and white and somehow changed to color. I thought this may have had something to do with the "Grey" Depression.

Lil Nicki
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I used to believe that since movies and pictures were in black and white, that things from those times must have been in black and white, too. One time I asked my mom what it was like for her when the world changed to color. It took her a while to figure out what I was talking about!

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I used to think that my parents and other relatives used to see things black and white and went to colour with the creation of colour TV.
When I was told that photos weren't invented until the 1830s, and the only way people could see pictures of each other was oil painting. I thought that people in this age saw images through oil paintings.

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i have read so many children thought the world was in black & white because that could be the only explanation for black & white movies and photographs. I myself thought old movies and photos were faded. Since the colors in movies and tv shows and photos in the '70s were less saturated, they were on their way to becoming black & white. REALLY old photos were brown & white -- sepia-toned. I guess eventually all film would fade to zero.

cindy peterson
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every time I see a black and white movies or documents on TV, I used to think that back in the day everything was black and white. and I was so glad that I wasn't born in those times. and I would say to myself I love the sun I love colors and would feel bad for all people who lived back then without seeing the sun or any colors.

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I used to believe the world was all black and white, because of old black and white tv shows my parents watched like Andy Griffith. One day I saw that Andy Griffith was in color so I naturally assumed that sometime when that show was aired color began to come into the world. I asked my parents what year Andy Griffith came out and thought that it was the same year that color came into the world.

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I used to believe that my grandparents' world was in black and white.

Sara Serés
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When I was a young kid, I didn't understand that older cameras couldn't capture color. I used to think that the entire world was simply black and white - and that's why the pictures looked like that. I believed the world became 'in color' at some later point in time.

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In "The Wizard of Oz", when the movie changes from black and white to color, I used to believe that color film had been invented right then, while they were filming the movie. Of course, at the end when it changes to black and white again, it was because they only had so much to go around and the people filming Thw Wizard ran out, so they went back to black and white film.

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that people did not wear colored clothing until recently(60s). I grew up on black and white tv and thought that colors were not in fashion in the old days.

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Up until I was 8, I thought that all things in the universe were devoid of color until sometime in the mid to late 60's. Then my parents bought a color TV.

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I used to think that all movies were color to begin with, but became black and white when they got old. So, when I was watching "Dr No" on TV and my Dad said he saw it in the theatre, I asked him if it was better in color.

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i thought that color film had always been around, and that they made those old movies black and white on purpose to show how serious they were suppose to be (because as a kid i didnt understand half the plots)

kid a
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When i was little i used to beleive that people from "The Olden Days" were black and white and there was no colour because of old pictures and movies.I just htough that someone inveneted colour and painted everything. i beleived this until i was about 8 when i asked my nan what it was like to live without colour.

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when i saw old black and white films or pictures, i used to believe that the entire world used to be black and white until they invented a machine to make everything have color

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I used to believe that the world was in black and white when my mom was little. I had seen books of dinosaurs, and they were color, but all the pictures of my mom were in black and white, so i thought the world used to be in color, changed to black and white, then returned to color.

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