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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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My daughter asked her grandfather if he used to drive a rusty camel back in the black and white days. She was 5.

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I used to believe that before color TV and movies, nobody could see but black & white in the world, no color. I'd watch a 'Get Smart' rerun and think, 'Gosh I'd like to have lived back then to see what life was like in black & white.'

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This isnt my belief but on a bus trip I one convinced two children I know that the world used to be black and white and that is why old movies arent in colour. They asked their grandmother to confirm it and she told them that only trees were in colour.

Mr Chips
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I never thought that the world used to be in black-and-white -- but I did think that colour photos and movies would inevitably turn black-and-white over a few decades, until my Mom set me straight.

Silly Dan
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My son used to believe that the people in black and white movies on tv were all really just black & white (and grey), he used to ask me when people started to have color.

R. Layton
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When my children were younger they couldn't understand how black and white films were made. I told them "colour" wasn't invented 'til the 1970s. For years they believed that colour in real life was a fairly recent invention. ie. "When I was a little girl, grass was grey, not green!"

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My grandmother always showed me pictures of her and her friends/family growing up. Of course the pictures were black and white. I used to think that when my grandmother was in the pictures, that the only colors were black,white, and grey. I thought that the other colors were something that they came out with recently.

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When I saw black&white pictures of people in the past and stuffes, I thought the whole world was that color, and that the movie 'The Wizard of Oz' brought the world to color.

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I was a child in the early 80s and would watch old reruns on nick and nite. Even though some of those shows were running just 20 years earlier, i was convinced that everyone who came out on a black and white show was already dead.

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When I was little, I saw some black and white movies. I thought the only colors back then were black and white. I also thought there were only black and white crayons and markers.

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I use to think that if I went to Kentucky everything would be black and white! I was around 8 yrs old when my dad told us he was taking us to his hometown. The only pictures we had of dad were done in black and white so my sister and I asked him why everything was black and white in Kentucky. He just laughed and led us to believe it was true until we finally saw for ourselves once we got there! How gullible! :o)

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When I was little I used to believe that the world was black and white when my parents were children (because of black and white TV). I thought everything was black and white and that colors were something that had been invented by someone.

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When I was young, I looked at my mums photos of when she was a kid, they were black and white, then i saw some photos of her as a teenager and they were in colour but of a bad quality. I asked why her kid photos were black and white and why the colour photos were not so good. she explained but i didn't understand. So i asked my dad and he told me that the world used to be black and white, and then colour slowly came into the world. i thought that was a resonable answer, lol. until i learn't otherwise.

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i used to think that when i would see a picture in black and white that it was how things used to be like everything was black and white. so i asked my mom one day "mom, when u were growing up were the vegetables black and white, ya no the carrots and cucumbers and stuff?" she just started to laugh and laugh and then she finally explained to me that only the pictures were printed in black and white, not actual life.

Kelsey K.
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When i was little and saw black and white photos, i thought that the world had no colour 'back then' and that colour was invented and then added to everything.

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I remember going to Disney World when I was about 8 and being astonished that Lucille Ball had red hair. I had only ever seen I Love Lucy in black and white and thought everything was black and white, not just tv.

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I once asked my dad 'when you were little were you in black and white?'

So I guess I believed that lol XD

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I used that in oldentimes, things were actually black and white like in the photographs, and that colour wasn't introduced to the world until the 70s.

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I remember once, my Grandma gave me her crystal ball to look at. I think it was to keep me quiet and entertained - while she chatted to my Mother. I sat there for ages staring into this crystal ball. Finally, I went and asked my Grandma if the pictures would be in black and white or colour! I guessed that as the "ball" was old - it might be in black and white - but it should be showing me the future.....she laughed, but I'm still non the wiser.

Victoria, Eaglescliffe
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i used to believe that in the i love lucy days, everything really was in black and white

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