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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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I used to believe that the advent of color movies / television coincided with the discovery of color itself. I thought that the real world was colorless prior to the 1930s.

The Coz
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I remember asking my mother when I was about five years old, "how old were you when the world turned colour?" I had seen black & white movies from the 1950s, & knew my mother was born before that, & thought that watching the world turn colour would have been pretty cool.

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I used to believe that the world was black and white before I was born due to old photographs. When my Mom would show me old pictures of herself or our family, I would always say, "Was that taken, when the world was black and white, Mommy?" Somehow I believed that my birth miraculously caused the world to be filled with color. What a little ego right???

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I used to believe that before colour tv's were around, everything was black and white. When I looked in the tv guide and next to an old movie it would say "B&W" I would look outside and imagine that the trees were black and white. I asked mum if she liked it when colour was invented. She gave me a funny look, so I said "By the way, who invented colour?"

Caitlyn :-)
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I used to think that everything was once in black and white untill they invented color tv.

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I used to believe that the olden days were black and white when I was about 3 from seing old movies.

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through watching too much tv. I was convinced that the world had no colour until they invented the colour tv. A world in black and white. It disturbed me to find out the truth.

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I once had a friend that told me her grandma was so old that she came from the time where the clouds were blue and the sky was white. I laughed, but it mistified me. I told her right back that leprechauns put 4-leaf clovers in your yard and that i had seen so for myself. Then i found one... stuck two together and ripped off leaves.

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I used to believe that the world was black and white before The Wizard Of Oz because I knew that The Wizard Of Oz was the first colored movie so I thought that was same with real life.

Evan Ray
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I used to believe that the only colors in the world were black and white, until God came and spread a big rainbnow over the whole world and everything was colored.

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I used to believe that a long time ago, just like in old pictures, the world was black and white lool

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when my son was little, he asked me if I used to live in a castle when I was a girl and if everything in the world was in black and white.
I also told my children I was 21 on every birthday for about 10 years.

linda hurst
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I used to believe that the whole world was black and white, and then one day, the world became multicolored, just like in the wizard of oz.

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I used to think that the world was black and white before the 1960's because all the tv shows before that time were in black and white. I just assumed that color hadn't been invented yet.

Tim K.
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When I was a kid I thought that when my parents were kids, the world was black and white and had no color...

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I used to think that black and white TV and movies had originally been in color, but had faded with age.

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When I was young I used to believe that the world used to be balck and white because of the old films I saw! I went up to my mum one day and asked her how the world was coloured in. She loves to remind me of this story, even though I'm 22 year old now.

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Like in one Calvin and Hobbes comic, my dad told me that the pictures that are black and white are in color, but the WORLD was black and white. A few years later, I went out to a film shop. I was shocked to see black-and-white film there.

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when i was little i believed my dad when he told me that he was black and white and then one day they invented colour and he got it from the shops. well all the photoes of him were black and white.

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when i was a kid i would look at my moms old pictures that where black and white so i thought the whole world was black and white.

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