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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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When my mom used to show me pictures of her as a child, they were in black and white, so I thought that the world was black and white when she was younger...I always asked her when the world became colorful, but I dont think she understood me...I just couldnt figure it out hehe...

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I used to believe that since t.v.'s were in black and white, back then, that everyone saw only black and white in real life...until they came out with color t.v.'s. Then when that was out, that's when everyone saw in color!

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When I was little I thought the world a long long time ago was only in black and white. I believed we invented color over time and that is why the world is so colorful! It also explained why old movies were in black and white.

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When i was a little boy,I used to think people of the 20th century and before lived without colours (in black and white )

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My Mother used to show us pictures from when she was a child. I used to believe that there was a time when there was no color because of all the pictures where in black and white.

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I used to belive that Black and White pictures were really in color, it was the world that was Black and White. Same went for Black and White movies as well. It took my Dad years to convince me I was wrong.

lost youth
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up until 2nd grade, i used to believe that in "the old days" everything was in black and white. During school we were reading about the titanic and our teacher told us to write a fact about titanic. i rose my hand and i asked if the titanic was around when the world was in black and white.my teacher started laughing along with my classmates....i learned the truth..unfortunately the hard way

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I used to belive that the world was Black + White Before the late 50's. Like somebody invented colour and all of a sudden we could all see it.

I thought Walt Disney was the man that found it.

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when i was a little boy, around 5ish, i asked my grandmother if she was born in the black and white days. she looked puzzled for a moment. she soon realized that i thought that before the Wizard of Oz's colorful transformation scene that everyone had to live their lives in dreary monochromatic tones . . . not just in movie but in actual life. all the footage or photos i saw were in black and white so naturally i thought before 1939 things just lacked colour.

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Always after I had watched a black and white tv show, I thought the world was black and white back when the show was made. My dad supported me in this, telling me how happy he was the day colors were introduced.

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When I used to watched old TV shows in black and white, I actually used to think life was in black and white in the 'olden days'. My dad had to tell me that it was just the cameras that were black and white, and not the whole world.

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Well old movies used to be in black and white, and when I was little, I believed that the world and everything in it used to be all black and white.

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i believed that people and the world in the olden days were really black and white and that that was why my grandmother was pale and had white hair and why my mum dyed her hair and wore makeup because she was black and white to and she wanted to pretend she was younger. hmmmmmmmm so that why children shouldn't be made to watch old movies with their grandparent

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I used to think that when they had black and white tv's everything was black and white and I was glad that we have color now! lol

Tiara 10
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When I was younger I used to watch a lot of old black and white re-run shows and learned from my parents that those shows came out when they were kids so I asked my mom "when did the world have color?" I thought that the whole world was black and white.

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My Dad watched documentaries about WWI and WWII when I was a kid. The footage was all in black and white, and I thought that the whole world did not exist in color up to a later point.

Also, I once thought that people in photographs were somehow frozen there and continually holding their breath.

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I used to believe that everything in the world was black and white, and that color, in general, was not invented until recently.

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Until I was about 12 I believed that the color in old movies was the way people saw everything back then. Like the slightly off color of 60's and 70's movies I thought people and things just looked like that. Same with black and white movies.

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i used to think that the world used to be black and white, cos that's what grandma's pictures showed me...

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My brother used to think that when movies were black and white, people were actually black and white and only wore black and white clothing.

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