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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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Since all the old TV shows and movies were in Black and white....I used to think the world used to be black and white and turned into color sometime recently.

Edwin from the Bronx
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When I was 5 I used to watch a lot of Nick at Night with all the old My Three Sons, Dick Van Dike, Mister Ed etc. I asked her why they were in black and white and she told me that everything was black and white back then. I there for believed the WHOLE world was in lived in black and white until color tv came out.

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That the world was black and white before the invention of colour television. It didn't occur to me that technology increased, i thought the world just evolved

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I used to believe that colour was a recent invention and that when my parents were younger, everything was black and white because the only pictures I'd seen of the past were black and white. I thought that someone had invented colour a few years previously!

James Smith
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When I was little I believed that someone invented color. You know that's how T.V. got to change from black and white. So I asked my mother, "Who invented color, he must have been really smart?" I haven't been slapped so hard since.

Jennifer Leigh, Morehead City, NC
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When I was younger I used to think that the world was in black and white and wondered how Grandpa and Grandma felt when colour was introduced...

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When I was young, my parents watched a lot of TV shows and movies that were black & white. I assumed that when my parents were little, the world was in black and white.

One day I asked my dad what day the world got color, and how he celebrated. He was very confused, but had a good laugh after I explained myself.

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I remember watching TV as a child, and sometimes I would see older things filmed in black and white. This lead me to think that long ago, there simply was no color in the world.

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When I was about 10, colour tv was just being introduced in Australia. I remember looking at old photos of my dad, (in black and white) and asking him if colour hadn't been invented when he was my age. Of course, he let me believe the whole world was black and white

terry paye
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the world was all black and white(like tv used to be) and all of a sudden, everyone woke up to colour, thats why old films are black and white, i believed this untill i was 9!!

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When i was a kid i watched reruns obviously of "I Love Lucy", "Lassie" etc....and thought the world was black & white and not the t.v.

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when I was about 3 whenever we watched 50's tv shows in black and white... I thought that the reason it was black and white was because they had no color back then

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You know those old black and white photos? Well, when I was little I thought the entire universe had no color at all untill around the time I was born. Like the sky was white and the ground was grey. Haha kind of dumb I know.

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I used to believe that black and white movies were made before color was invented. I thought eveything was in black and white untill color was discovered in the 60's

the ketco
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I used to believe (no doubt due to my love of The Wizard of Oz) that the world used to be in black and white and just eventually turned to color. That is why older movies and tv were all in black and white and why poor Dorothy had such a shock at entering a place already turned to color.

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I used to believe that before a certain time, the whole world was black and white, not just the tvs. I was always baffled about how they got the sky blue, and thought they must have sprayed heaps of spray paint up in the air.

Aberdeen, Scotland
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I used to believe that before colour TV the world was black and white....

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I used to think that when my parents and grandparents were children the world was black and white because those were the only pictures I ever saw of them. I remember wondering when the world turned to color, but I never asked....

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My parents are both big fans of classic movies. Naturally as a child I watched them, too, but I couldn't figure out why they were all in black and white. My dad explained that they made all those movies (and TV shows) before they invented color.

Seemed reasonable to me, so I told all my friends. We also thought that's where the racial terms "black" and "white" came from. Oh, and "B.C" (as in 400 B.C.) meant "Before Color".

Oh, the embarassment when I discovered the truth...

Big Dave
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I used to believe that before color television, people only saw in black an white.

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