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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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I thought that old movies were black and white because the world was black and white then.

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I used to believe that color did not exist in the olden days, and the olden days constituted anything before my birth.
This belief came about while watching an old movie on television and commenting to my mother that there was no color. Her response was, “yes dear, we did not have color back when that movie was made”.

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When I was little I thought that at some point in time they invented color. Because I saw movies of the past and they were in black and white.

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I used to believe everything in real life back in early times was in Black and White because watching old movies, all I saw were things in Black and White, until one day they magically discovered color.

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i used to think that the 50s were actually black and white because of i love lucy, ect. i came upon the relization while in an antique shop that the entire past wasnt, infact, black and white.

Kelly ann
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I used to believe that before color photography and television were invented, the world and the people in it were black and white colored. When i was born in 1978, I just happened to be a part of the new Colored people generation haha.

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I too used to think the world used to be black and white, as both the TV and cameras took black and white pictures. I never questioned this, so it was a few years before I realised I was wrong!

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I used to watch old films with my mum when I was young and I grew up thinking that everything in the world was black and white when she was a child and that living in colour was a new invention.

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I used to believe that up until the 1960's the whole world was in black and white and that color was invented in the 60's. This was due to all the black and white photos my parents had of their lives growing up. They didn't help me by saying how amazing it was when color was invented!

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My little sister use to believe that when there was black and white movies that people saw black and white though there eyes

i have a stupid sister
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I used to believe that in the 'olden days', things really were black and white. I only discovered the truth when i asked mum and dad when colour was invented.

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I used to believe that before color television the real world was in black and white.

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Well, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thought the whole world was in black and white because all the pictures I'd seen of my parents were in B&W. =)

Not as dumb as I thought
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When I was young and found out about black and white televisions, for years after I believed that the world was actually black and white and then turned colour. I found out about those TV's at primary school and just found out the truth when I was 14...oh the shame Im 18 now and ashamed to admit my mistake, hehe

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i used to believe that the world was black and white and one day the whole world just became colored....kind of like Pleasantville, however that film wasn't made yet

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When I was little I used to think that the world used to be black and white from watching old black and white TV shows! I once asked my Mom when the world started to turn colors and she set me straight.

Stacey Ankrum
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When my mom used to refer to television, she would say things weren't in color, and I thought she was talking about the whole world! I imagined everything to be black and white.

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I used to think, since all the old pictures are in black and white, that back then EVERYTHING was black and white, so everyone had grey skin etc. I thought this until I was about 7 and I learned about photography.

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When I was about 6 I once asked my mom when the world was going to change color again? She didn't understand what I meant so I explained to her that when you watch old movies and pictures the world used to be black and white. Now it changed to this colorful world and was wondering when it would change again.

Jenni Perry
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I use to watch a lot of black and white shows, and I thought that in the past everything was black and white (it makes sense, right, old photos were in black and white too!). I was about 9 when I asked my mom when they invented color..

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