i used to believe

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I used to believe that checker pieces were a kind of money. Products ordered from television commercials always told you to send $9.95 checker money order to some PO box.

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I used to believe that the picture of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the penny was actually the trolley from Mister Roger's Neighborhood. It took a lot of convincing on my parents part to eventually come to terms with the truth!

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I honestly used to believe that £100 was the largest sum of money you could ever own

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I thought that when they said something like "The Dow Jones Industrial Average went up 1% on trading of 342 million shares" on the radio, that they were saying "chairs" instead of "shares".

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1 and 2 cent australian coins had just been phased out- and my sister conviced me that the rest of my money would be too- so we better spend it all on lollies

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i used to believe that cars cost $100 (aus) and houses cost $1000- haha i wish!

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I used to believe that at banks you just go to the teller and ask for money and she gives it to you. When I learned that you need an account and you have to deposit money, I was completely confused.

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When I was about 5, I went to the grocery store with my mom. I helped her load up the cart with groceries, and when we got to the checkout isle, I begged her to let me have a bag of jumbo gumballs. She wouldn't put them in the cart because she said it would spoil my dinner. Well, I really wanted the gum so I put it in my pocket. We left the store, and a few minutes later, my mom asked me what I was chewing on. She got really mad- which I expected- but to my suprise she took me back in the store and made me apologize to the clerk (who was very sweet about it). I didnt understand why she did that, so I figured that the store wouldn't let you have anything unless it was okay with your mom, and that's why we went through the checkout line, as a sort of inventory process. I didnt get that you used money to pay for groceries until I got to kindergarden.

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I had a friend who thought that when they gave you change at the cash register that they acutally changed the paper money magicly into coins.

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i used to believe that money came from a plant. that if you planteted a penny you would have a penny tree and you would have tons of money. i planted over 10 dollars worth of money at the house i lived in.

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When I was about 5 years old my brother and sister had me believe that pennies were made of gold so that I would trade my quartes dimes and nickles for pennies

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My mom once gave me a box of old, unused checks, saying I could play with them. But I didn't want to play with them. I thought they were just like money and I wanted to use them for real. I thought that if only I knew how to fill them out, I could use them to buy things at the toy store. I thought about all the wonderful things I could buy if only I knew how to fill out checks.

Still poor
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when i was about 6 i used to hang around with these 12 yr olds down my street and one day i found a pound on th pavement and the eldest girl told me that i could buy a house with that. i just got all excited bout it then i was plannin where i was gonna live and everything. when i got home i was braggin to my mum that id found a POUND and she was like 'okaaaaaay then.' and yea i did find out that i cudnt ave my dream mansion :(

soon to be an entreprenuer
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When I was a kid I looked forward to friends of my dad coming to visit as I knew they would always dig in their pockets and give me an nickle or dime!The annoying part was when they would say "Here go buy yourself an ice cream" and I actually wanted potato chips or something else. It never occured to me that I didn`t have to buy exactly what they told me to.

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As a kid, I could not understand why the cashiers in supermarkets would give change to you when you'd pay. The only explanation I could figure out was: you're to pay $100, and you only have $90 in your pocket, so the cashier gives you the missing $10. But I thought this was weird, though, because any dishonest person would just pretend having only $20 in order to get $80.

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I used to believe the bank "scottish widows" was run by widows, and only gave bank accounts to widows.

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When I was little, I thought when my mother went into a grocery store and paid for a drink, the change that came out of the cashier box was my mother's own money that went in. Like my mom's name was labeled on one of a million little rows of money just for her. And everyone had their own money. There wasn't money that everyone had touched. only money that my mom had ever touched. weird. HAHA!!

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You know those machines at arcades that you put dollar bills in, in exchange for quarters to play the video games? When I was little, I used to think that there was something in the machine that would take the bill and somehow turn it into quarters. It made sense for dollar bills, because I could see how you could get four quarters out of a single dollar bill, but I didn't understand how you could put in a five dollar bill and twenty quarters could come out; there wasn't enough paper, after all.

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I used to believe that my bank account as a child was an actual slot at the bank where the money I put in, actually went into a box or something at the bank...I was feeling very RIPPED off when I was about 8 years old and I went to get money out and they gave me ONE bill istead of all that change that I had been taking in for all those years...

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As a kid, I never understood the concept of "change" at supermarkets. I was always delighted that you could hand a piece of green paper to the cashiers, then get many pieces of green paper and pretty coins in return. I thought that my parents should be rich after going to the supermarket enough times. I never understood how my parents could have financial problems.

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