i used to believe

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That everything was free. You paid for nothing, money was just to look nice.

Blasia M
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I persuaded myself that I had been conned all along by the local shop - who had been charging me a penny per sweet I bought from there. The sign said 1p - not 1p per sweet. So I tried to buy 20 - with 1p. I argued my case, but the shopkeeper was bigger than me.

Skinnier than I might have been
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Until I became about 14 I had always believed that everyone had at least a million dollars and I would wonder why people would be so excited about the lottery.

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I'm not sure how old I was exactly but it was pretty young. I had a piece of wrapped up Christmas candy and I was playing with it. For some reason I was trying to sell it to all the adults. I started out with a dollar and my aunt said no. Then I said a penny and she said "That's way to expensive for me!" Obviously she was being sarcastic but for the longest time after that I though the less amount of money you had the more it was worth.

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I used to believe that when you took money to the bank, they had a big box that had your name on it, and they threw your money into the box, and when you took money out, they would find your box and give you the money you wanted.
The stupid part is that I always pictured the boxes as looking like miniature washing machines.
The sad part is that I believed this until I was 10 years old and got my own bank account.

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I used to believe that money was tasty stuff that people got from their parents. I got quite confused and ill after trying a five quid note

not wealthy (any more)
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When I was little I thought that you could print out your own money from the computer. I never understood why my mom said that we didn't have the money to buy me a toy at the time.

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From 1909 to 1958 American pennies had Abraham Lincoln on the front and wheat on the back. (They now have the Lincoln Memorial on the back.) When I was growing up in the '80s, my mom would sometimes find "wheat pennies" in change she recieved. She kept them in a jar and told me they were special since they were old. I thought they were called "weak pennies" because they were old. I also though the wheat magically appeared on the back of a penny when it got old enough.

Lauren P
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I used to think that the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the penny was the trolley from Mr. Rogers.

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When I was little my older brother told me that if I ever tore money, that the president on the money would come and kill me in my sleep.And until this day I still have never tore money.

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My younger brother once asked me what the building on the nickel was (Monticello)...I told him it was the "Tail Building". He went to school and told everyone, the teacher corrected him and the kids laughed.

He still reminds me of this...and I still apologize profusely.

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i used to think that if i tore a dollar bill in half it would make fifty cents

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When my cousin Jess was little, my parents took her out to eat a Pizza Hut. After they were done, Jess goes "Uncle Eddie, (my dad) I'll pay for the meal." Thinking she had some pennies, my dad held out his hand. Instead, she had 5's and 1's in her hand. My dad, shocked, goes "Jess, where did you get that?" And she being only 4, goes "The people just left it on the tables!"

hahaha at jess
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Up until I was about 9 years old, I thought whenever you paid for something, you could ask the cashier for however much change you wanted. Whenever my mom bought something and got her change, I'd ask her as we were leaving why she didn't ask for more money.

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I used to think a tip was a fixed amount of money you were required to give to someone after shopping at their store. When I was little, my friend and I would have a lemonade stand and we put out a paper cup with "Tips: $2" written on it. A woman bought a cup of lemonade from us (for 50 cents). We then started yelling at her because she didn't give us a $2 tip. Then my mother came out and yelled at us.

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I used to think that everytime you bought something, they would give you back money. One day at the store, my mom payed with a credit card and I screamed, SHE DIDN'T GIVE YOU YOUR MONEY!!

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I thought that you either don't have insurance or you have Blue Cross Blue Shield. No other.

MD Caruso
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I bbelived that the process of "making money" was taking a dollar bill and ironig it.

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I used to believe that all the money in the world was your money and no one else's. So for example I used to get a pound coin every week for pocket money. I'd go and spend it and then the next week I thought my parent's had gone and got the same pound coin from the sweet shop and I was getting exactly the same pound coin as before. Now I'm older I realise that I was completely wrong and infact the amount of people that pound coin has belonged to b4 u is astonishing!

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I used to believe that every family could have no more than $100 dollars at a time. If you spent some of your money, you would get it back the next day to make up $100. If your family wanted something that cost more than $100, you had to go in on it with other families and share it.

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