i used to believe

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top belief!

i used to want to be a tollbooth attendant because i thought they got to keep all the money.

adam j. sontag
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top belief!

when i was in nursery school, my friend and i would spend hours on the playground talking about all the stuff we would buy if we had $100. i was going to buy a mansion

adam j. sontag
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When i was about 5 or6 i saw the wizard of oz. I was convinced that the munchkins lived and worked in the atm machines at the bank.

munchkin hater
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I used to belive that dimes and diamonds where the same thing. So naturally it confused me when people would ask for diamonds as if they where very rare even though I had two in my pocket.

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top belief!

I thought that a fruit machine (gambling machine) was where you actually bought fruit and the money you won was the change.

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I thought change was what the cashier gave you when you didn't have enough money to buy all the groceries you wanted.

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top belief!

when i was a kid i used to believe that service-station attendants were the richest people in the world. that's because they had all this money in their pockets when it was time to pay after refueling

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In the 8th grade we were having a class discussion about poverty and this one guy raises his hand and says "Why doesn't the gov. just print more money?" We're all like "huh?" And he continues all sure of himself "They have the machines to do it, why don't they just make more money?"

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I thought that cashiers gave people change because the people were too short on cash. (For example, with a $10 purchase, I thought that the customers the cashier $8 and the cashier gave the customer $2.)

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When i was a kid i though rubber boots were called Welfare Boots

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When I was 6-7 years old, I used to think that a penny costed a dollar, so I walked to a liquor store (by myself. it was next to my house), with some pennies to buy a starburst. I took a starburst packet and gave it to the cashier guy with my pennies, but he said it wasn't enough. I was really bummed out.

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when i was about 5 or 6 my older sister who was probably about 18 years old at that time bought an expensive make up kit. I asked her how much it was, she said "fourty-five bucks". I thought she meant fourty-five boxes. My mom started to wonder why in the world i needed boxes for the ice cream truck

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when i was really young my 2 brothers and i used to get really excited when we went to the bank. ATM's were new machines and we didn't exactly understand how they worked. We would pull up in the drivethru. My mom would put her card in, and so the three boys started cheering for this lottery machine... Mom always picked the right numbers. So we'd be screaming, COME ON BIG MONEY!!!! and wouldn't you know it, mom was real good at it!

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When I was little I used to think that there was a person in the ATM machine handing out money.

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when I was about 3 I thought that eating money would make me rich. :P I'd steal 100 dollar bills from my mom and ate them. I never got rich....lol

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When I was young I used to believe that every time you made a purchase, you got change back regardless of the amount of money given. I never could figure out how those candy machines where you put the coin in and turn the knob were smart enough to know how much change to give!

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I used to believe when you had a credit card, you were able to make 10 freebie purchases. I got mad at my mother once for using a credit card at a hardware store when she could have used it one of the ten freebies to get something much more valuable, like a car or plane.

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When i was little, my grandpa used to pretend to swallow a quarter and then magically pull it out from behind my ear or someplace. I believed that he really did behold the power to change money from one value to another because one time i gave him a quarter and a dime and i think a penny and he "swallowed" them all at once and pulled out a Fifty dollar bill. I thought he was so good that i decided to give me back the 50 for a larger bill but my change came back instead. So young and already gambling.

Sassy Nassy
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my dad convinced me that gambling machines had little hands which came out the money return bit and stole all your cash. i was terrified of them for years. stoped me gambling though.

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When I was growing up I used to hear my mother talk about her Salary and how much she got. I thought that at the end of the week she just got a bunch of celery to bring home.

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