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Since I'm Canadian, and my dad was an American living in Canada, he didn't have his Canadian citizenship. when I was about age I don't know, 5 to 10, I thought that if my dad didn't get his citizenship soon, then he'd have to move to the United States, and I'd never be allowed to see him again!! now he has his citizenship and all is good.

worryful tammie
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I thought Canadians came from Canadia.

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I read in the Pippi Longstocking books that people in China walked on their hands all the time, and I believed that for years.

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When I was younger, I must have heard the expression "the British have stiff upper lips" somewhere, perhaps in an Altoids ad. However, not knowing that it was just a saying, I thought that British people, for some odd reason, actually HAD stiffer upper lips than most people, and if you touched them under the nose, their lips would feel hard, like muscle! I thought they must have very strong facial muscles to smile and frown with such hard lips!

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Growing up I was told "Tintin" and "The Smurfs" were from France! They're actally from Belgium!

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After I learned that the earth was a sphere, I knew we were on the top because we stood straight up. I also knew that China was on the other side of the world. Usuing my 5 year old logic, I felt sorry for the poor Chinese people who always had to stand upside down.

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i used to think that spanish people were black

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I knew that there were people of all colors. i thought there were black people (african american), white people (caucasion), yellow people (chinese), tan people (hispanic), and i thought that other people from different nationalities were different colors...including blue, green, purple, and orange.

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I used to believe Turkey day was a Turkish holiday. Then why are we celebrating it in America?

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i thought that cartoons from other countries was how the people there looked ... like i thought japanese people had big eyes and pointy noses like anime

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I used to believe that those of Indian descent who had them were born with dots on their forehead.

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When I was younger, I had twin friends that just happened to like taking really hot baths. As they were part Japanese, I naturally thought that Japanese people were immune to hot water. I truly believed that you could dump scalding hot water on a Japanese person and they would be perfectly fine.

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I read this article in National Geographic. It was about how people in (ancient) Saudi Arabia would remove people's hearts in some ceremony or another. Then, someone came to my Girl Scout meeting. She was telling us about Saudi Arabia. I raised my hand and said something like "Is it true that in Saudi Arabia they take out people's hearts?"

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I believed the line from the Australian national anthem was 'our land abounds in nature strips', not 'our land abounds in nature's gifts'. But it's true, my part of the country did have a lot of nature strips!

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I used to believe that Israelis lived in Pueblos.

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A friend had a penpal from Germany and the penpal went into deep detail of what a house looked like - thinking people in Australia have no idea what a house looks like!

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so public schools have yearly standardized testing where i grew up. and there was always the section to fill in basic information about yourself. like name, age, grade, etc...

one of those was also for ethnicity. all the standard choices, african american, hispanic, asian, pacific islander/eskimo/native american/other and caucasian.

only i didn't know that caucasian meant "all white folks" (tha’d be me) so i marked the eskimo pacific islander one until middle school.

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when i was little my dad and i watched a show and there was a line on it where the main charectar kept shouting "The British are Coming, The British are Coming" like in the indapendance war, i didnt understand and asked him who the british were and why the were coming, and he said big men in red suits would come and get me if i didnt wash the dishes...i obediantly washed the dishes until i was 13.

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I am Canadian and when I was little I would sing "True Pastry Love" instead of 'True Patriot Love"

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When I was a kid, I thought that all the Americans are born to kill others (bad hlywood movies !) , one day in a hotel a 4 or ^ years old American boy asked us whether he could play footbal with us, we searched him but there were no guns with him so we let him ... but! one min. later his sister came with a pistol toy !!! we all fleed !

Persian Buddy
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