i used to believe

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I used to be scared of travelling. Since I live in Canada I thought you were safe. But I was terrified to go to Antartica. Why? I thought you would fall off since it was at the bottom of the globe. And that you would keep falling down in space.

Anna ^-^
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There are these small brown cone-shaped buildings that I can see whenever driving /riding down the highway, and I always thought there were dinosaurs in there. I had a good reason though. When I was maybe 2 or 3, I remember going to a dinosaur exhibit, and I remember the building being the same shape (brown cone).

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I used to think the world wasn't round like a globe but more like a spherical cork screw, think helter-skelter or corkscrew slide.

My young mind couldn't manage the idea of people standing upside down on a ball, and having this corkscrew arrangement made perfect sense.

Mike Hargreaves
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I used to believe there were 52 states. I thought Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia were states.

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i used to beleive that the world was round but we lived on the inside of it. i thought if u jumped to high then u would fall to the other side of the earth. and the stars were city lights from the other cities around the world.

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I used to think Miami was a state. I found out last week and I'm 15

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I thought that Florida wasn't connected to the United States, like Hawaii. I never caught on that people drove there in their cars and when I did I just suspected that there was a really long bridge. I found out a couple of months ago that it is connected and I'm almost 15.

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I used to believe that Disney World was in the clouds.. because you always had to fly to get there..

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I used to believe that if it were raining where I was, then it was raining everywhere else in the world. The same goes for sunshine, snow, etc. I thought the entire world experienced the same weather at the same time.

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I used to believe that we were on top of the earth because we walked upright and the ground was under us. So I also equally believed that people on the “bottom” of the earth like Australia walked on space and the ground was on top of them like the sky was for us.

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When I was little, I used to believe that Illinois (where I lived) was a country

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When my dad was young,he used to believe that the lines on a globe were on the world itself.

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I used to believe that everything in Japan was really dark and had a red tone. I'm not sure why, but I think maybe I saw a martial arts movie that had a dark setting or something.

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When I was a child I always thought Canada was apart of the US... not its own country!!

clueless youngster
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I used to think the Salvation Army was a real army, and I never went with my mother to give donations because I was scared of the army men and their guns.

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I thought that Washington, D.C. was in New York.

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I thought Las Vegas was in Texas. Seemed like a good place for it.

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When I first came to Europe,I met people who used to believe that Africa was a country inside India(don't know why they thought so).Some still do.

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When I was small I used to believe ( and really had the fear ) that if I continued going I would fall off the edge of the earth.
then when I was growing up and learned that the earth was rotating on its axis and revolving in its orbit,I still harboured the fear that its axis and orbit might fail it and that the earth would plunge into an abysmal dive.I still have this fear , believe me!

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top belief!

I misread Vatican City when I was younger and thought it was Vacation City. I believed that it was a really pretty place where people liked to go on vacation.

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