i used to believe

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I have no idea why, but I used to believe that London was whole different country than Great Britain and existed in somewhere near Paris.

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When was younger, there were 2 things I knew for sure, I knew it snowed in Germany and that clouds look like snow (I'd never been to the snow before.) So when our family friends moved to Germany, I used to look up at the clouds and think of them staring back down from the edges of them.

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Until i was corrected at a summer camp in the 7th grade, I thought that electricity was limited to certain cities (those I saw on TV) and the Dallas suburb that I grew up in. I then met some children from another suburb about 10 minutes away who informed me that they did indeed make regular use of both the telephone and the automobile

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Until a few years ago, I thought Detroit was in Chicago. I knew that Detroit is a city, and that Chicago is not a state, but somehow these two facts did not combine in my cognition and thus the Lions played in Detroit, CHI (yes, I realize state abbreviation conventions require only two letters). To this day I still think of Detroit as being located in the midwest, not in the north, making work at a global travel company very confusing...

Oh and i am now 22...

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i used to beleive that going into jail you can go on rollercoasters and there would be lots of cotton candy and all of this fun stuff....(my cuz told me that) which made me want to go to jail so my cuz said to go shoot someone -i was REALLY little! =]

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I used to believe Germany was in Asia somewhere near Russia.

It's in Europe!
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i used to belive that when you were driving over a hill it was the end of the world

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All the cool people on TV and stuff were incognito. I really wanted to go to Cognito, but I had no idea where it was! Nobody would tell me the location. Every time I asked, they just laughed at me. Jerks.

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I used to believe that it wasn't really true that in Arctic regions there could be 24 hours of daylight per day at times. I thought that 24 hours of daylight phenomenon was just a delusion of those who were dying from eating polar bear liver.

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I used to believe that we lived inside the earth!

Natalie Howley
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When I was little (maybe 3 or 4) I had an English babysitter and when I asked where England was, I was told England was across the ocean. I live near a body of water and I truly thought it was England on the other side. Everyone had a good laugh when I once screamed out "look we can see England from here!"

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This is quite embarrassing because i believed it only up until the other day and i'm 22!! Me and my friend were discussing unusual and unique names and I said "it's surprising you don't hear more girls named Liberty" and she asked why and i said "Well, people are naming their kids after countries and places and Liberty just seems to be an obvious choice."

To cut a long story short, I thought the statue of Liberty in the US was just that: A statue of someone named Liberty (i thought she was the first ever presidents wife or something!)

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I used to think that there were three Americas: South America, America, and North America which were all floating in the sky. I knew I lived in America, so I thought South America was a giant chunk of land floating under us and North America was a giant chunk of land floating over us. That was why when we went somewhere that wasn't in America we had to get in a plane and fly into the sky.

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top belief!

For the longest time I believed New Hampshire was New Hamster and that was where all the hamsters came from.

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I live in Oklahoma, and I used to believe that Kansas or anything else that was above (north) Oklahoma on a map was wayyyy way far up in the sky. It took awhile for me to get that north wasnt straight up.

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When I was 3 or 4 my family went on vacation to Mt. Rushmore and when we got there we went to the gift shop and watched a video of the rock being blown up and falling down the mountain when they carved it. After that I was terrified because I thought the rock did that on its own and if we got close we would be crushed. I refused to get any closer than the parking lot.

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When I was a little kid I thought downtown Denver was New York City, then I got a little older and thought, "well if thats denver this must be New York" but I was wrong again... it was Centennial.

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I used to believe that the airport control towers were great big fishtanks. This is because the one in Washington, D. C. (my nearby airport's control tower) had green glass surrounding it.

Barbara G.
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I used to believe that it was Nelson Mandela on the top of Nelson's column in London (It's Horatio Nelson the famous admiral)

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Growing up in Australia we have a lot of people from New Zealand here. Because it is such a small country, i used to belive that Australians where the only people that knew about New Zealand!

I think this continued well into my teens untill i realised lord of the rings was filmed there!

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