i used to believe

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While growing up in the Appalachian foothills, I believed that we drove past Mount Rushmore on the way to my grandparents' house, less than 50 miles away. These rocks were just places that the highway had been cut through the mountains, so of course they looked nothing like faces. That didn't shatter my beliefs, however. Nor did the lack of tourists. I instead just thought that adults must be idiots to think that those rocks were special.

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When I was very small my dad used to take me, on his bike, to this park/woods area, where we would walk along the only path there, and I remember being very confused we always ended up at the same point we started out at, where our bikes were parked, even though we always walked 'straight' and never turned back...I guess I didn't really get the 'curves-in-roads'-thing...

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When I was but a small boy, I heard the name of a place called "paradise." I really thought it was an actual place that you could visit. Where was it? Well naturally, I figured it was just north of Paris. My father explained to me that it's just an imaginary place. And then I wondered, why there were so many people wanting to visit this one imaginary place when you can't ever go there? My father couldn't quite explain it to me. It was just a few years later when it finally dawned on me what it really meant. LOL.

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I used to think that the pihllipenes was pronounced

Philip Penis which is funny, coz my dads name was philip haha.

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I also used to believe that if you turned on the hair dryer and pointed it at a globe, it would blow us all off the planet. *snerks at self*

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I used to believe that if you put your finger on a map next to your city or town, you could see your finger if you looked outside. But you had to be careful not to put it directly on your city, or you would squish yourself!

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I used to belive that the U.S.A was they only place on earth, once I learned about countrys and things, I thought every country was a different world!

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Whenever I didn't want to finish all my meal my mum would say "think of all the starving children in Africa".

I used to think "I AM thinking of the starving children in Africa!" I thought that all the food that got put in the bin went to rubbish tips in Africa because I had seen the poverty stricken people in those countries on the news scavenging through rubbish. SO I thought that what ever food I didn't eat would get sent out to the rubbish tips for them.

I really never used to understand my mum!!

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top belief!

I believed there was a town called "Random".

If someone said, for instance, that "the numbers were selected at random," then I thought that they must have been to Random to pick the numbers.

A Grunewald
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I don't remember how old I was but I remember once my mom told me she and my step-dad had tickets to go see Chicago. I thought it was very odd that you needed a ticket to get into a big city. I imagined cars lined up at all the entrance points into the city to give a ticket to someone in a booth......kinda like the lines getting into the parking lots at Six Flags.

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I live in Denmark and if we talk about Greenland, we say "up on Greenland". So, naturally, for years I thought that Greenland was placed floating in the sky. Who knew...

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Until yesterday, I used to believe New York City was not in the state of New york (you know, like Washington DC is not in Washington state), but in New Jersey. I´m not from the US, if that makes it any better....

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top belief!

In school I was told the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. And China is at the opposite end of the earth. So I started digging a hole to get to China the fast way. I didn't get there yet. So much for shortcuts.

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I used to think that Alaska and Hawaii were just islands in two sqare lakes down by Mexico. I never understood why Alaska was so cold if it was down there. It wasn't until I was 8 or 9 and got a globe that I realized I was wrong.

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When I was younger, I had a geography problem. I believed that Europe was just above Canada. Except Italy, of course. In my mind that was sticking off the side of Russia.

geographically challenged
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i used to think the united states were all that the world consisted of. i never understood there was any other country.

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i thought that at the end of every country you could sit at the edge and dangle your feet off the edge into the water

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When I was about 4 or so, I believed that when the space shuttle took off, it would go very high in the sky like you see on tv, but then just go towards a big house like a plane, and this house was that big Kennedy Space Center building (the rectangular one) i believed the "earth" was some kind of magical deity inside this building and the only way to go through the walls was by space shuttle. i never realized we lived there.

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I used to think a drain pipe in my backyard led to another world.

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up until last week i always thought swindon was near sweeden or switzerland, until everyone laughed and said its actually not very far away from where i live! CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE (im 18)

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