i used to believe

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I used to believe that Washington D.C. was in Washington and that the the United States was the entire world and there were no other countries.

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You know when your little most kids have this idea that you can dig to China. Well, not me! I was probably five or six when I learned about heaven and hell and I would get terrified when my little brother was in the back yard digging in the sand box or just anywhere really because I was convinced we were going to make the devil angry and he was going to take us away forever.

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When I was little I had a very short attention span (still do, actually) and when we were going somewhere a few miles away in the car, I'd start asking where we were going even though I'd been told a few minutes ago. Just to shut me up my parents would tell me we were going to Texas. For years I didn't believe Texas was a real place. My parents told me the truth when I got in an argument with my Kiddie Gymnastics instructor because she'd said she was going to visit her relatives in Texas and I knew there was no such place.

Geographically Challenged
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In preschool my 2 BFFs and i would dig in the sand box because we thought there was a magical world where there was no adults and every single cartoon people like Mickey Mouse and Minnie would be there and you could wish for anything you wanted and no one would notice you were gone

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I used to believe that everyone in Russia (back when it was The USSR) had to write a letter to the president for permission to do anything. This also included writing a letter to the president asking for permission to do something, so I thought the president would come to the house of anyone who wrote him a letter and arrest them for writing a letter without permission.
I don't know how I thought anyone got anything done, I didn't think that far.

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my dad told me that hershey park was made completely out of chocolate

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My dad put a thumbtack on one of the stairs to the basement and told us kids that it marked the center of the world - we believed him and all 7 of us thought we lived at the center of the world. My sister told about the thumbtack during show and tell one day and suddenly her world was shattered:(

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I used to believe that the globe was a round balla nd had like horizontal lines of colour for the countries. England was blue and was at the top lol

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I used to believe that you could dig to the other side of the world on the beach. So whenever we went there, I would just dig.

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I used to believe that if you poked a city on a map you would destroy that city, so at school I would poke Houston to see if I could see a giant finger in the sky.

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This is not my belief. But my Ex-girlfriends mom thought that if we logged onto Google Earth, and she went outside, me and my girlfriend would see her. waving as we zoomed in. Lol.

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When i was five, I usesd to think there were juste two countries in the world France and Engalnd

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When i was young (in fact up until i was about 22 when i actually had the guts to try it out) my mum used to say tht if you didn't step off escalators in time it would suck you under the moving stars forever. Even now when i look at escalators i intentially stand on unitl i hit the edge - just because i can!

Ally Wilson
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When i was little i came up with weird things to explain weird things. Have you ever seen clouds on the skyline, like that "line" in between the sky and the ground, I used to think that they were mountains, and they would dissapear (when i couldnt see clouds there) and i constantly begged my parents to go mountain climbing on them, and i thought it was soo lucks we lived near disapearing mountains.

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One of those that many beived, as well as me: I thought there was a red and white, barber shop like pole at the norh and sounth pole.

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I used to believe what ever color the state was on the map was what color the grass and everything was in that state.

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Ever since I can remember, my parents had my sister and I convinced that there was a bump in the road at the border of every state. So when we would drive out of the state, my dad would pick a bump in the road and say "There was the [state name] border!" I didn't realize this wasn't actually true until just recently -- im now 17.

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When I was around three, I was looking at a globe of the earth. My mother told me that there were people on it. I kept imagining all the tiny little people so small that I couldn't see them, spinning or blowing around as I turned the globe. LOL I held onto this for a while.

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I used to belive place names on maps were acutally printed onto huge fields. As I remember when me and the family, I was about 5 or so I think, were driving down to London from Birmingham. I was on the look out for 'LONDON' to be printed in big black letters on fields as we neared London. To my disappointment I could not see 'LONDON' printed on fields :-(

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when i was younger i used to believe that if you looked at a map at the exact spot where you are, with a magnifying glass, then you could se yourself waving.

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