i used to believe

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Untill i got to high school I beleived that spain was a planet but people were allowed to live there, i never realised that was why i had failed every school science project up untill then.......such a shock when i found out spain was a country not a planet.

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I used to think that England and Scotland are where France and Germany are...My 2nd grade teacher was from the UK and she used to tell us all these great things about it, so I thought it must have been a pretty big country...I didn't figure out the actual geography of Europe until I took World History my freshman year in high school...apparently elementary/middle school geography classes taught me nothing :)

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I was born in Texas, but didn't live there past infancy. Later, until I got old enough to start reading maps, I thought Texas was an endless hallway, with closed doors along each wall. I didn't know what was behind the doors.

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I used to believe that because each state was separated by lines on maps, globes and on television, that there would be an actual LINE that I could see when we drove past a state line. I STILL look for the lines, hoping they'll be there somehow, and I'm 36 years old! LOL!

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When i was little for some reason i thought that all people from china knew karate.....yeah.

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In this one I'm actually the mean big sister, but about two years ago I managed to convince my little sister that Canada was down and Mexico was up. We were at the dinner table and my parents just played along. . .after dinner she went and found a map and then got mad at us but the look of utter confusion on her face and then the actual belief was absolutely worth it.

Perhaps the best part of the story. . .my sister was sixteen at the time :)

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I used to believe every country was its own island (I live in Australia) and just could not understand how that many of them could fit onto the world

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I used to think that a Visa credit card was what one needed to be admitted to countries that "require a visa".

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When I was younger, I believed that the maps I saw in school were only half of the Earth, and that other schools had the other side of the world. Then I asked my mom why I only had to study one side of the map for my test, then I was informed that that was the whole thing. I was kind of upset that that was it, I had always imagined of great places on the other side.

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I uesd to think that every people over the world lived in my country.

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I used to believe that the earth looked like a globe - with all the lines and directional markers, country names and so forth. The first time I was up in a plane, I couldn't understand why I couldn't see them. When I asked my mom, she said that the lines were too far apart and we'd have to be in outer space to seee them.

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I used to believe that the USA was the entire world. I was shocked when I found out otherwise!

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I used to believe that everyone in Louisiana ate lasagna and nothing but lasagna. I thought that the state was purposely shaped to look like a piece of lasagna, with a big crinkly noodle coming out the side. I never called it "Louisiana," only "the lasagna state" (in a disgusted voice). I hated lasagna and vowed never to go there.

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i used to believe that each state was on its own planet. i always used to ask my mom....mom what planet ia florida in???...momwhat planet is new york in???...mom what planet is california and i beleievd that until i turned10

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I used to believe that the United States were a planet, since I'm from another country.

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When I was in elementary school, I told one of my teachers that when I was older, I wanted to travel the world and find a new country. I was very upset when she told me that she was pretty sure all the countries has already been discovered.

Holly Lynn
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i used to think that Australia was the whole world.

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When I was a kid I used to think that people who lived south of the equator had their own globes and maps of the world upside down to our with "south" pointing "up" and "north" pointing "down". No one ever told me that, I just assumed that was just the way it had to be..

Batchain (George
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growing up in california, as a small child i thought the whole world was just california...with sections of different countries.

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When I was little I used to believe when i went on road trips that the world was being built as i went along and that it would disapear as i would leave that area

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