i used to believe

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I knew that gravity would allow people to walk around in the southern hemisphere and not fall off the world, but I always imagined that their hair would stick straight out, as though the people were dolls with their feet glued to a globe.

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I lived in New Hampshire and I knew that, but I thought New Hampshire was where Idaho is. I got their shapes mixed up. It seemed to me that there was a bridge we'd always drive towards but always pull off the highway before we went under it. I figured California was just on the other side of the bridge.

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When I was seven, we took a family trip from Eastern Canada to Florida. I was told by my parents we had to change planes in Washington (D.C., I found out years later). So I went and checked a map, but the only Washington I could find was Washington State. I could not figure out why we were flying so far out of the way (all the way across America and back) to get to Florida.

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I used to beleive the U.S. was a boy because florida looked like a... you know...

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I use to believe that if you dug far enough down into the dirt, you would get to the other side of the world. I think I was about 6 or so.

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I used to believe that heaven and Israel were the same place, because they were both important to the bible and whenever my Grandmother visited from Israel, she came from the sky in an airplane and when she left, she left in an airplane.

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My brother had a map of the United States up on his wall. I knew that we lived in Illinois, and what Illinois looked like on the map. But I thought that ONLY my family lived on that spot on the map, like that was where our house was. And our neighbors across the street lived on the Wisconsin spot. A house next door would be Indiana, stuff like that, even though I knew it was a map of the United States.

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I had a friend who thought everywhere outside London was outside England. We lived in London and had a holiday cottage in Derbyshire, and whenever my friend stayed with us there she thought she was in a foreign country.

Alan, Sheffield
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When I was little, I thought Transylvania was Pennsylvania and all the vampires and other monsters lived there.

Still doesn't want to travel out East
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I, up until a few dayse ago, (i'm 12) though 'Secaucus" was a city! I't astualy a primary vote!

Well, it SEeMED logical
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i used to think that when u went somewhere in a plane, the place was above u because the plane went up to get there. so i thought all my cousins in california lived above us just out of my vision and i would always look up and wave at them. then i learned that the earth is round. i also wondered how u would get to places that were on a level below u.

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I used to believe all countries besides the USA were 3rd world countries. When I was 10 years old I'd talk to people from Britain and Canada online and wonder how they had access to the internet.

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I used to believe that clouds were other continets seen fron down side. So people actually lived in the upper side of the clouds.

Erick Alain
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i used to live in philippines and when i was 9yo. my mom told me that we were going live in canada and i thought that we have to go on a spaceship to travel. i used to believe that each planet is a country!

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I used to believe Finland didn't really exist, it was just a make-believe land with a made-up name, because "fin" means "end" in my mother tongue. Also, I heard Santa Claus lived there, and I already knew he wasn't real.

Koala Bala
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Haha, I used to believe (2 or 3 years ago) that Las Vegas was LOST Vegas and that it couldn't be found and it was shrouded in mist!

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I used to believe that Kansas was really black and white because of the Wizard of Oz.

Valerie F.
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I used to think the Black Country region in the UK was called that because everyone lived in darkness there.

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I was amazed when I first heard that people took vacations in Bermuda because I assumed they were putting themselves in danger of getting sucked into the Triangle.

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When my older sister signed up for cross-country running I assumed she was going to be able to bring me back things from the other side of the country.

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