i used to believe

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When I was growing up in a suburb of Boston Massachusetts I heard a commercial for the Herald Newspaper that ended with the line "Boston Moves to the Herald!" Well I didnt know what the Herald was, or even what a commercial was, so I figured that it meant they were moving the whole city and everyone was going to have to get up and move somewhere else in the state if they wanted to stay in Boston.

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I used to (up until the age of about 10) believe that there was a place called Random. I thought that it was a place in London, used to pick winners of competitions!

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when I was little I loved digging deep holes in the sand at my cottage. My Grandpa used to say "you are going to find China soon". I always pictured that I was going to come accross dinnerware (china plates and cups!) buried in the sand... I never thought he meant I would find China, the country! :)

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i used to believe that "North" was whichever way i was facing at the time.. because on the maps in school books the directional star always had north pointing away from me..

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I used to want to go to Africa so bad, so and every time I saw a nice row of trees, I used to thin Africa was right beyond the trees.

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When I was little, my sister had a globe on which the states of the U.S. and those of Australia were shown in different colors, although elsewhere on that globe, different colors indicated different countries. I had already learned at the time that the U.S. was all one country. But for a long time thereafter, I thought that the states of Australia were all separate countries.

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When I first heard that Newfoundland didn't become a part of Canada until 1949, I thought its name meant that it was a land only first found at that time, and was previously unknown.

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When I was in my college class somebody held up a picture of the Empire State Building. I was so shocked! "Who moved the Statue of Liberty?" I asked. Nobody knew what I was talking about. "Who moved it off of the top of the building?" Of course everyone laughed their heads off. I visited the Empire State Building when I was little and when we were going to the top my Dad said we had to hurry so we could see the Statue of Liberty. I somehow inferred that we were hurrying up there to see the Statue of Liberty up there. I believed my whole life that Lady Liberty was atop the Empire State Building.

Merrie Lee
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Ok so I live in Ontario, Canada and i remember when there was all this talk that Quebec wanted to seperate from Canada I was so dumbfounded because I couldn't for the life of me figure out how they would drill through the earth and physically seperate fom the rest of the country.

Stephanie V
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I was babysitting this girl and her sister, they asked me about the places I have visited. Well I mentioned that I had been to Chicago. The girl looks at me in disgust, and says, "I will never go to Chicago! THEY EAT MONKEYS THERE!"

One of the most hilarious things I have heard from a kid, I really would love to know how she came upon that wonderful notion!

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When I was little, I thought Saudi Arabia was 'Salty Arabia', and that all those sand dunes were made of salt. It made sense to me.

John Price
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When I Was About 5 My Mum Got Me A Map Of The World For My Room. And Up Until I Started High School I Thourght That Ireland Was France & Germany !!

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...that each country was a different planet...that's why we had to fly to get there =]

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i used to think that desert islands, pirates and kings with their castles don't or didn't exist at all

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When I was young I used to believe that California was in the sky. I thought this because ever since I was a baby my family and traveled to California a couple times a year to visit my realatives and I thought we had to take a plane because there was simply no other way to get there. hahah.

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I used to believe that china REALLY was underground and my dad always told me to watch out for the china man cuz if I dug to deep he would pull me down. I was scared to death to pull carrots, rubarb or dig potatoes when my mom or dad would ask me for fear that the china man would get me!

Tamara Brunelle
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i used to think the state border was a big wall round the area that you had to climb over to get to the next place

sexy sasha
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I used to think that the states were on top of each other. I live in Kansas, so that meant that when I looked at the sky the sky would be Nebraska's ground and Kansas ground was Oklahoma's sky. Yeah I knew dirt is brown but it was a optical illusion to make it blue. I was very confused when i heard otherwise.

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As a child I was told that America was "below" Canada. I believed that If I looked down the sewers, I would see America

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My cruel older brother decided to tell me one day when I was four that Madagascar was uninhabited because it had a very active volcano and man-eating monkeys to boot.

I, of course, believed him and would tune out in elementary school when they tried to teach us world geography and mentioned Madagascar (because it obviously didn't matter). It wasn't until I was in 6th or 7th grade that I actually stopped to think about it and realized I was wrong!

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