i used to believe

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My friend and I used to think we could dig to China when we were about 5 years old. We'd meet at the yard in between our houses, with sticks, and start digging in a hole.

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i used to believe that the north pole was on the clouds!

Leah Goodman
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I used to think that Africa was in South America, because I'd heard that S.A. was very hot and I knew for sure that Africa was.

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I used to believe that England was on a cloud because I had been there several times before the age of four. I thought that airplanes just took you straight up!

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I used to believe that Kansas (pronounced "kan-sas"), Arkansas (pronounced "ar-kan-sas") and Arkansas (pronounced "ar-kan-saw") were three different states in the U.S.

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well, its not EXACTLY a belief, but close enough...and funny. onetime, i was in the car with my mom and asked why andrew, a close family friend, was not going to be at dinner with the rest of us and his family. she responded "well, he went to seatle." so i ... not thinking before asking, asked "mom, who's attle?" still have yet to live that down.

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i used to believe that my country is actually the whole world and that other countries were all cities inside my country,so somehow geography was too easy for me as a child! it was after many years that i realized that there's more to the world than where i live,hehe....

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when i was a kid i belived that behind the mountain it was only africa until 2001 when i first look at a map

jan egil
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When I was young I thaugth that the phillipines was about where Germany is.

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Until maybe 8th grade, I didn't know Alaska was attatched to Canada. And neither did my mom, I was looking at a map in my history book, and when she looked at the map, she said "Wait, Alaska's connected to Canada!?"

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I always assumed that since so many products are tagged with "Made in China" that if I were to go to China, the country would be just one big factory.

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I live in Puerto Rico a small island in the Caribbean. My house had a fence dividing the backyard from the forest. My sister and I, since we were told that China was far away from us, thought that if we crossed the fence in our backyard we would arrive at China. And every day my sister would look out to the backyard and would cross the fence and come back and then start saying to my mom that she had gone to China.

Las Hermanas Boricuas
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At the age of 3, no one thought to inform me that all the different countries were in one planet. I went on believing that the United States, England, and other countries were each their own little planets in the solar system.

Nicolle Sison
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I used to believe that Puerto Rico was located up in the clouds in the sky.

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I used to think that my home town of Eureka was MY Rika since I thought everyone said YOUR Rika.

I still wonder who Rika is
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I used to think that the name of the state of Illinois was pronounced "In-louis". It really sucked when we learned the states in 3rd or 4th grade, and I was so proud I knew what the state of "In-louis" was called!

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Once when I was little, we took a road trip to Ohio (the next state over). I kept asking "Are we there yet?" She told me I would know when we were there, because the grass would be purple. I was VERY disapointed when we got there...

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Up until the age of 6, I thought that Los angeles was the contient of north America and i thought California was the exact city I lived in.

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My husband told me that when he was 2-3, and he was living with his grandmother in this small town in Arkansas, he used to read the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and he really believed that all white people lived in New York, because he never saw any white people where he lived.

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I used to have no idea where we went when we flew to california. Since we flew upwards, I thought it was reasonable that california and other places were on other levels of the earth. Whenever i looked up I would wave because I thought that maybe if my cousins or grandparents were looking down then myabe they could see us. I also wondered how you could get to places that were on levels below you. I was therefore very surprised to find out that you could actually go in a car to california.

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