i used to believe

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top belief!

when i first learnt that the world was shaped like a ball i thought that all the people in austraila must have little suction pads that grow on their feet to stop them falling off i was terrified when my uncle moved there because, being born in england, he didn't have suction feet and would obviously fall to his doom as soom as he got off the plane

sera .p.
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iused to believe that the leaning tower of the pisa was called the leaning tower of pizza!! i believed this until yesterday (24/8/06)

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I lived on the east coast of the US. When I was watching westerns at the movies, I thought the time frame of the story was contempory. I thought if you went "out West", there would be horses, wagons and no automobles and everyone lived like that as in the western movies.

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top belief!

I had a friend who thougt the Mount Rushmore national monument was a natural rock formation.

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I used to think that you had to fly on a rocket to get to disney land. I thought this because i believed that other countries were in fact other planets, You'd have to travel across space to get there! I really wanted to go to disney land but never though i could because it was too unsafe and Mum didn't like me doing unsafe things!
Imagine my relief when i discovered that there was only one planet that I needed to travel around

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After looking at a world map which had Mercator cylindrical projection (the type of maps where the lines of longitude are parallel with each other) in one of my early years in school, I thought that Greenland was more than twice the size as Australia because Greenland is at a high latitude and has been severely stretched out (Australia is actually about three and a half times the size of Greenland). It took me a long time to realise that on those kinds of maps, the distance between the lines of longitude decreases with latitude.

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i used to think that alaska was an island, since it was always inserted at the bottom left on every map of the usa...

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i used to believe that every country was a different planet!

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when he was a kid,
he used to believe Germany is called
coz there are many germs.

joanna wang
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when i was little i thought that Asia was a little country not a whole continiet (i thought that part of the world was part of europe)...........you can imagin my surprise in 10TH GRADE GEOGRAPHY when i finally learned the truth

silly bee-owch!
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I enjoyed watching NFL Football and was amazed that there was a game in New England. I thought the NFL was playing a special game over seas in England. What solidified it for me was that I always heard that it rained a lot in England and this game was being played in the rain. I'm still a little unsure what all makes up "New England" since it's not one of the 50 states.

Still a bit confused
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I used to believe that other countries are in the sky.
Because i thought air planes are going to the sky, and never come back.

Isuru and Hisashi
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I used to believe that when someone won "a trip around the world" (like on a game show) it would take the rest of their life because there were so many places they would be visiting and the world was so big...so I thought.

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top belief!

I used to think that the United Kingdom was the world's biggest amusement park--a whole island! I figured that since the *Magic* Kingdom had the same word in the name, they must be the same thing.

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i always thougth washington D.C was in washington until 8th grade.

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Once my father had to go to Seattle and my sister want to go as well so she ask him, "Is attle nice?" They thought that was someone's name!!!

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There is this highway called Canada Highway. And When i was younger i used to believe that that highway travelled all the way from one side of Canada to the other. So it wasnt untill i was about 14 and my Grandparents were taking me down that highway when i asked "are we going to Nova Scotia?" And then looked at me and laughed their heads off.

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I'm not sure why, but once, in kindergarten, a boy told me about a horrible place called "Pencilvania" . Never looking at a map of the U.S and reading the states' names, I thought Pecilvania was in Europe. Then, he told me that I was taking a vacation there, and that I would die. ( Huh? ) I got really upset because I thought my family would be attacked by flying, orange pencils.

ElizaBethMarie, Cali
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top belief!

When I found out that Alaska was part of the US, I was a little freaked out. I thought that it was part of the continental US, so like, there was this frozen ice area in the middle of warm climate of the rest of the states. I thought it was some sort of strange phenomenon.

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I used to think that all commonly names street connected everywhere in the country. For example, if you walked or drove long enough on Elm Drive in Chicago, you would eventually hit Elm Drive in Miami. Never mind the fact that it is physically impossible ...

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