i used to believe

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top belief!

I used to believe the world was a horrible place full of selfish people, hypocrites, liars and murderers. Now I know the world is only like that if you look at it that way.

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top belief!

I used to think when you lost balloons, they would go to balloon land. I thought my balloons would be happier there, so every time I got a balloon I let it go, thinking it would fly to balloon land. And sometimes I'd bring it home, and let it go from my balcony. I began to think as balloons as a separate species. I wanted to send a note along with one and see if the leader of balloon land would write back to me, but then I got worried that an evil balloon might get ahold of it and take my mom to balloon land.

Don't worry, I'm normal now.

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I remember sitting in the car, looking out the window, thinking that the world was just a big old doll house and we were the dolls.

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I used to believe that the world is a wonderful place full of great people, a world where good people are rewarded for being honest and gentle, a world where I could be happy.

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I used to think that countries were states and states were countries.

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when i was 2 or 3, my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins were always talking about going to Miami. I thought they said "My Ami" so i always wondered why I didn't have my own "ami" to go to.

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I thought Turkey was ruled by a turkey chancellor. To me, Turkey was a peaceful country with a lot of shepherds, and all of their sheep were from France. I had one snafuous understanding of the world when I was little

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I used to think Romania and Transylvania were one and the same. All of Romania was apparently Transylvania, and they had a booming movie industry. I thought it was the same country that went by two different names.

Ironically, friends who don't know this call me Romania
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When I was about 5, my father told me that while it was night time in Spain (where we're from), it was daytime in Japan, and vice versa. I thought that was impossible!

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I used to think that gunpoint was a place as well. I also used to think that the Everglades was a place that smelled really good because it had the word "Glade" in it

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top belief!

When I was younger, my father travelled a lot. He once told me that he was going to Blackpool. I thought that it was a pool that had got so dirty that the water had turned black and because nobody wanted to clean it, they made it a tourist attraction.

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For years, I was convinced that the Taj Mahal was the Tajma Hall - which, from my point of view, made perfect sense. City hall. Radio City Music Hall. Baseball Hall of Fame. I've known better for decades, but it will still always be the Tajma Hall in my head.

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top belief!

I used to think that Albania and Alabama were the same place.

Not me
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I grew up on the Georgia coast and whenever my family took me to the beach I thought if you looked really hard for long enough, you could see Africa across the Atlantic Ocean. I knew the world was round and not flat but still thought it was close enough to see across the ocean.

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I believe that here in Brazil excavated, excavated and excavated the earth was possible to reach Paris, Japan or elsewhere across the world.

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I used to have a map of the United States, and each state had its own color. I used to believe Minnesota was hot because it was shown as red on the map. This was supported by Florida being green. I lived there, and it seemed to have a lot of trees...

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when I was 7, I used to believe different countries have different down floor & people might walk on wall or side surface of home... meanwhile gravity would pull things from anywhere to any direction depends upon geographical situation of country!

Riyaz Arora
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There's a city in California called Lompoc.I thought it was pronounced lawn-poke.when I was 7 we went on a car trip and stopped in lompoc for lunch.As chance would have it we drove bya lawn that was being airated(sp?) You know when they punch holes and there are little plugs of turf lying around. I saw it and thought ,"aha! Thats why its called Lawn-poke!" It made plenty of sense.When I told my mom she cracked up and I couldn't figure oht what was so funny.what a coincidence!

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top belief!

When I was a child, I believed that Mount Rushmore was a natural phenomenon. Somehow God or Nature had carved the heads of Washington, Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, and Lincoln into the cliff in South Dakota at the beginning of time, and when our country was born, the prophesy began to be fulfilled. Not sure when I realized this was not the case, but I think I was probably a teenager.

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I lived on a dead end street with a group of trees at the very end. I thought that if I went behind the trees I would be in China.

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