i used to believe

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I used to believe that our next-door neighbour, Mrs Grigg, Annie Walker off "Coronation Street" and Margaret Thatcher were all the same person. They were all vaguely upper-middle-class, pompous and stuffy, and had "old-lady" perms - hence my confusion.

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When I was younger I used to believe that Margaret Thatcher was a male ballet dancer with a beard. Not unlike "Bullet" Baxter from Grange Hill.

Banky Edwards
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When i was in first grade, we had " President Lincon" at our school, and when i saw the man who played lincon the next day at Chuck e. Cheese, I cried, becasue it wasnt really Lincon.

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I used to believe that the cold war was happening in Siberia or Alaska.

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I thought Hitler was the name of the guy who shot lincoln.

Jonathan Franz
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Untill I was about 15 I thought that the birthmark on Mikael Gorbachov's head was actually a map of the world.

Rob , Solihull
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I believed I saw Abraham Lincoln on a cross-country car trip when I was 7 years old. I "shook his hand" at a motel in Illinois. I argued with my 2nd grade teacher who called my mother. She explained it was a "stand-in" for Lincoln.

Judy Guffey
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I used to believe that the US President (Ronald Ray-gun) lived in the magic castle at Disneyland and that his wife was called Mary Whitehouse. In fact I still do

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When I was very young, perhaps 5 or 6, I asked my dad, "Does the President(of the U.S.) own the world?"

He replied, "Well, he thinks he does."

Not having been introduced to the concept of sarcasm, I spent several years thinking that the President was this poor deluded soul whom everyone was humoring.

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As a kid I was always hearing on the news about Ronald Reagan and his
"Star Wars" project. Having seen the movie, I naturally concluded that Star
Wars was a perfectly reasonable thing for "Ronald Ray-Gun" to be
interested in.

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for christmas when i was about 7, i was given this book that you coloured in, but the pages all had frames and subjects in. one page asked you to draw god, & i thought nelson mandela was god, so i found a picture of him and copied it. my mum was very confused, but thought it nice that i idolised him like that.

black star
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When I was young, I believed that Abe Lincoln had a tail.
The reason for this is perfectly logical (or it was at the time). When you flip a coin you say "Heads or tails!", right? So I figured out that while the front half of the penny depicted Lincoln's head, the back half was a picture of his tail.

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Growing up in the early 70s I used to think that England was part of America. My father would have the radio news on every morning, and all they would talk about was President Nixon, Watergate and Americans fighting in Vietnam.

David Coppin
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I used to think that Margeret Thatcher was married to Ronald Reagan, because they were always on tv together!

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When I was little I worried about the Iron Curtain, I worried that the curtain pole would break as iron was heavy!! I also wanted to know how they secured the curtain pole and where it started and finished!

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