i used to believe

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As a child, I thought that President Ford and actor Harrison Ford were the same person. Upon seeing Harrison Ford's movie "Air Force One", I told my mother "You know, he does such a good job being president, he should become the real US president again".

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I used to believe because I was born I Abe Lincoln's birthday I had a better shot at being President.

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i used to think that 'uncle sam' was a real person...who took all my parent's money!

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I was 7 during the first Quebec referendum (you know, the first time they were deciding if Quebec should separate from Canada?). My parents let me stay up late to watch the reuslts, and when the 'Non' side won, I jumped up and yelled "Yay! We get to stay in Canada!!"

Part of me thought that the whole province would physically separate and have bridges to the other provinces and the US as the only connecting points.

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When I was little I remember that my parents said the State of the Union would be on TV that night. We lived in Florida at the time, and I was really, really hoping we would win. I thought State of the Union was a title just like Man of the Year. We didn't win, did we?

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I used to believe the word "democrat" was a "bad" word since "crat" sounded like "crap" and we weren't allowed to say "crap".

Andrea Anderson
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I used to believe that politicians actually ran (like in a race) for office.

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When I was in kindergarten I saw a picture on the news of George Washington on a one dollar bill, and from that point on (until I said so in class) I believed George Washington was president of the United States.

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top belief!

I used to think Ronald Reagan was some kind of glorified boogie man. I'd run around the house in a bathrobe, sunglasses, and scarves tied around my lower face and head shouting, "I AM RONALD REAGAN!!!" I believed that there was a portal in my closet and that if I went into it I'd turn into Ronald Reagan; if I went into it when I was "Ronald Reagan" I'd morph back into me.

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I used to think that Abraham Lincoln was the guy from the bible> During Church the priest asked who Abraham was and I said he was our president
a loooooooong time ago!!

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Back when Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister of the UK, my left-wing grandad used to say, "When Maggie Thatcher speaks, green slime runs down the walls!" From then on I'd always look very closely at the TV whenever they showed Parliament, looking for the slime. I also worried, especially when I couldn't see it in the House of Commons, that Maggie's devilish influence would bring green slime running down the walls of our house!

Daisy K
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top belief!

When I was 4 years old, there had been a presidential election that year. I had been under the impression that the presidential candidates had to actually run acroos the country, like a running race, and whoever did it the fastest became the next president. I actually believed this until 4 years later, during the next elections. My mom clarified how it really worked.

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When I was little, I used to *honestly* believe that whoever won the Presidential race became the President, and whoever came in second was the Vice President.

I think I got it from the Miss America pageant. You know how, when they get ready to announce the first runner up, they say, "She will take over the title if the winner cannot perform her duties" or something like that? Well, when I found out that if the President died or just couldn't be President anymore, then the VP took over, I figured that the VP must be the "first runner up" for President.

It seemed completely logical to me when I was little, and now, looking back on it, I wonder if it might even work.

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top belief!

I used to believe "Pedestrians" was a political party like Democrats or Republicans.

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top belief!

I long believed that Ronald Reagan was Ronald McDonald's brother. And I thought it made him more impressive!

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cuz I grew up in ugoslavia whos president at that time was TITO who was like KING and GOD I USED to believe that tito do not shit at all and that was so big question for me

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On every Election Day, every state has 'electoral votes', I thought they said "electoral volts" which means something to do with electrical and whoever president has electrocuted by by a higher voltage win the election.

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top belief!

When I was 5 or 6, my family would frequently have hot dogs for dinner. I loved hot dogs, but I hated the outer "skin" of the hot dogs, so I would refuse to eat them until one of my parents peeled the skin off of them.

One day, my father told me that little boys who didn't eat the skins of their hot dogs would never grow up to be the president. I'm not sure I really wanted to be the president, but I was certainly offended by the idea, so I asked him how they would ever know I didn't eat my hot dog skin.

"The White House has cameras everywhere."

"Nuh uh."

"Yes they do." (pointing) "Look, there's one."


"You missed it. The president looks at the videos every evening and makes a list of who can't be the president because they didn't eat their hot dog skin. But if you start eating yours before you get too old, there's a good chance he'll take you off the list."

After that, I always ate the skin of my hot dogs.

Chris Robison
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i use to believe that democrats liked plastic bags from the grocery store and pepsi and republicans liked paper bags and coca-cola.

Liza Wood
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i used to think that "waldo" was the w. in george w. bush. thanks dad

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