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I used to think the weekends were three days instead of two!

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I believed that after midnight there were actually 12 more hours before the next day. Thus, I never understood why my mom always wanted me to go to sleep so early. I finally found out the truth when I confronted her about having to go to sleep so early.

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This is a belief of someone else. I had a girlfriend that thought that everytime we had the Daylight Saving Time, it would drive our country to a different time from the rest of the world.

Yan Kleber
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As I child... I thought time didn't REALLY exist. I thought that time was like a frame of a cartoon film : It wasn't moving, but it looked like it. I also thought your soul traveled through each frame in a different posistion each time.

I abandoned it until I read a book on the idea.

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Growing up in Australia I knew we were 10 hours ahead of England, and almost a day ahead of America! Of course, that meant that we were in the future, which made us better than Americans. I remember specifically thinking that rollerblades, even though they were invented in America, would get to Australia a whole day before the Americans got them, which made us more advanced. That's early patriotism for you!

Jo who now lives 10 hours behind Australia
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I can remember my Mom talking about long weekends when I was little and she was always planning for them. What I couldn't figure out was why certain weekends were longer than others, I can seriously remember trying to sit down and figure out if the extra hours were on the Sunday or the Saturday. This must have been before I started school - because before you go to school every day is a weekend!

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When i was younger i used to belive there was12 second in a minute bc on the clock the numbers went up to 12.I was 6 when i was corrected. Thats sad.

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When i was like several months old, i thought i was older than everybody else in the world cuz i thought tht months were longer than years. I thought months were the longest periods of time there were, besides hours. Wow, hours were long to me! Hours, I thought, were like centuries

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Up until a few years ago I used to try to go back in time - Normally when my family went on holiday. When we arrived at the hotel or wherever, I would stand still outside trying to remember everything about that moment, the sounds, the smells, everything. At the end of the holiday I would then stand in exactly the same place and imagine I had just arrived, desperately trying to make myself believe that I had gone back in time to the start of the holiday. How pitiful.

O D Melorian
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When i was about 4 I used to believe that when daylight savings comes and we lose an hour, I thought the hour would be gone forever, and we would never have midnight again.

Ivy Greane
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I used 2 think that if u dint go 2 bed, mornin wud neva cum! I woz so scared tht i mite nt b able 2 get 2 sleep. i thort that we'd b stuk in the same day 4eva until i went 2 sleep n woke up agen! ha!

x DiTzY x
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Once my sister told me that if you would spin around fast enough you cuold travel through time.(ex. if you spun right you would go forward in time, so left would mean going back in time)

Tommy Potts
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When my two brothers and I were little kids, we actually used to believe that there was an opposite day each year. We'd go around speaking to each other and everybody else in opposite meanings, like yes for no, etc. No one else understood what we were doing, and when we explained, "It's OPPOSITE DAY, DUH! You gotta speak opposite!" the adults would just look at us funny... The other kids, however, all immediately began to speak in opposite as well.

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I have to thank my dad for this, I thought that if I didn't get dressed before midday, or go to bed after midnight. I would become a pigliwog! He even made a 'pigiliwog detector' out of k'nex with a flaashing light on the end. I ran a mile when he flashed it at me!!!

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I used to think that 2 hrs. was 61 minutes.

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when i was a little girl i always thought that there were days in between each month....at least 3 or 4 days..never realizing that when one month ends, another one starts

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When my cousins and I were younger we always wanted to spend the night over at one or the other's house. Well, our parents would get around it by saying we could the "second Tuesday of next week." Now, it took us quite a while to finally realize there was no second Tuesday in ANY week....needless to say, it still brings me a chuckle when I think about it.

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You see how you get watches? As in the clocks you wear on your wrist ^o) ... well when I was about 4, I had always had watches with numbers all around it and I noticed my mum's watch only had 4 little dashes. And I asked her how do you know what the time is and she told me that when you get older you will be able to see them. And pointed to a "10" which to me was an empty space O.o Well I though adults eyes could see things that were too small for children to see until I was about 8 :S

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i used to believe that AD stood for after death but i found out later that it stood for annos domine- year of the lord

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dis is a friends belif-not mine.when she wos little (5 or 6) she saw da program bernards watch were a boys has dis watch an if he presses a button on it he stops time.my friend thought dat every watch stopped time an once she saw her mums watch an she started screaming 'its bernard watch!!!!!'

then she chucked da watch out da window lol :-)

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