i used to believe

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We owned this huge digital clock microwave ever since I was little. Everytime 25 or 52 would appear on the clock I would pretend to drink something because the 25(digitally) looked like a bottle and the 52 looked like a goblet. Thankfully the microwave broke when I was 11, so I stopped weirding people out with my pantomine drinking.

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I use to be afriad of 11 pm. My bedtime was usually 9 or 10, but I had gotten it in my head that something would go wrong if I were up at 11 pm, I wouldn't get my full 8 hours of rest (probably something my parents put in me). One night, my parents were out and I stayed up late watching TV; it rolled around to 11pm and I wasn't asleep. I ran to my parents crying, "I wasn't going to get my full 8 hours of sleep." They both laughed. Now I barely sleep at all.

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when i was in 1st grade my friend was in a different class than me. she told me one day that her teacher's birthday was on february 29th and that she only had a birthday every four years. we were determined to figure out how a nine or ten year old could look so old and be a teacher.

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I used to think that on day light savings time you had to stay up till 2:00am to change the clocks!

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When I was about 8 I use to look at the clock to see if it was time to go to school, but I was convinced if I looked at the clock, looked away and didn't look at it again right away time would move faster. It was a superstition I some how convinced myself of at that time. I somehow got past it. And really don't have any superstitions now.

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My parents listened to alot of Beatles music when I was little. When I heard the song "Eight Days a Week" I figured that in England there must be eight days to the week. I spent alot of time wondering what the eighth day was called, and trying to figure out why they got an extra day.

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I thought that Boxing Day had something to do with boxing, like watching a global boxing competition.

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I used to believe that there were only 10 years, 1990 - 1999 and that they just cycled over and over again. I told my mom that "I remember when it was 1997 last time!"

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In 1990, when I was only three years old, I just loved to watch Sesame Street, and each day I was looking forward till 3:00PM when it started. Due to my understanding of time in the age 3, I only knew that Sesame Street starts, when small hand points at three. One day I just couldn't wait anymore and moved clock's hand at three, hoping it will make Sesame Street earlier :) My mother wondered afterward, why the hell clock is showing quarter past three when it was before midday :)

Dark Hawk, Ruda Slaska, Poland
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When I was in the third grade I had one of those days that just "flies by". It just seemed to be over before I knew it.

While commenting on this to my teacher I asked her if it was a leap year because I thought the days were shorter in leap years.

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When we flew to California from Chicago by an airplane the first time, I thought it took only two hours to get to get there. Then I found out that it took four hours because someone announced that the local time was 5:30PM. We left Chicago at 3 PM (Central Time Zone) and I didn't know what time-zones really is!

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When I was in kindergarten, my teacher used to play records to the class. One taught the days of the week, but for some reason (I suspect it must have been to confuse little kids), the song started with Monday. So, naturally, I thought all the calendars were wrong. I went home and tried to convince my mother that Sunday was the last day of the week.

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I thought that the higher the number of your birth year, the older you were. Bigger numbers (year)= bigger numbers (age). So, I just knew that someday, since my birth year was less than my brother's birth year, somehow, he was older than me.

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I used to think that if you turned back the hands on a clock, you would go younger until you were a little baby. I didn't want to be a little baby and I did not want to die so I put a stick in front of every clock's hands I could see. For a few weeks, my mum would keep on removing the sticks and I would put them back again! She wondered where all the sticks came from! I really thought that I could stop myself from aging!

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I used to believe that everyone lived until 100 years old, then dropped dead on the spot.

I was also told that every second, a baby is born. And every two seconds, someone dies (both are true i think).
I used to spend countless hours going:

Born. Dead.
born. Dead.

Born. Dead. born. dead....
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when i was a kid I thought that one week was one day!

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top belief!

I used to believe that there were only two years: 1990, and 1991. They just cycled, over and over. I remember one time my teacher asked me what year it would be next year, and I promptly responded "1990!" (it was 1991 at the time, of course). Everyone in the class laughed at me and the teacher looked at me like I had drank stupid juice that morning, or something.

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when iwas young say 5 or 6 i belived thatevery day at twelve o'clock was snack time so when i went to bed i set my clock to 12 midnight

dcdbz fan
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When I was in kindergarten and we were learning about the days of the week, the teacher asked us how many days there were in the week. I said, "Five." I figured that weekends didn't count as part of the WEEK, because they were weekENDS.

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I thot that evin tho ther was 60sec in a minit, and a number uv minits wood be that much multiply bi 60sec (like 2min=120sec,10min=600sec), that ther was 1 exseption made for only 1min, wich was 10sec insted uv 60sec.

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