i used to believe

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I remember people metioning "Mountain Time" and thinking that time must travel at a different rate at higher altitudes.

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I once believed that one could run around the south pole in order to travel backwards and forwards in time.

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My son always believed that tomorrow and yesterday were days of the week, so he used to say, Monday, Tuesday, yesterday, Wednesday, Thursday, tomorrow

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One thing that always confused me as a kid was when one day ended and another began. So, I came up with the theory that "today" ended, and "tomorrow" began whenever I happened to wake up in the morning, be it 7am or 11:56.

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As a child I would sing along with the Beatle's "Eight Days a Week" before I had a firm grasp of the actual number of days in the week. For years after, I thought I was miscounting since I couldn't think of the name of the other day of the week.

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I used to believe that the world would end in 1970. I just couldn't imagine the year being anything other than 1960-something (the something corresponding to my age...). Even when I warmed up to the possibility that we might survive the decade (which I allowed only after someone convinced me that I really had been born in 1959 instead of 1960), 2000 gave me the creeps; but I figured by then I'd be an old, old, guy approaching 40, doing nothing with my time except lying about on the sofa like my granddad always did maybe watching TV because that's all old guys did, and it wouldn't matter anymore...

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I remember being in first grade learning about the calendar.When the teacher showed how one month ended, and she flipped the calendar page over to the next month, it started on the very next day. This happened every month! There were no days in between months!

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I used to believe that the day would change to the next day after my parents went to bed!

Sarah B
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I used to believe that time could be calculated

dert bird
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I concluded that the 'good ol' days' was actually a period of time, when everything was in sepia and people sat around outside wild west style wooden houses on rocking chairs...

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I was puzzled by daylight savings time, and couldn't get any adult to explain adequately to me how the way we set our clocks influences the rotation of the Earth...

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I used to believe that each week had a name, like 'Monday-Week' and 'Tuesday-Week'. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

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When I used to ask my Dad what day it was, he'd either say (as an example) "It's Wednesday" or "Wednesday all day". I asked him several times who decided whether it stayed Wednesday all day or not, but he never adequately explained...

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when I was 6 I thought 15 was really old. When I was 15 I thought 25 was really old. Now I'm 51 and look at my 6 year old - I just think I'm really old.

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i used to beleive that there was no particular order to the days of the week...that somehow people just 'knew' what day was what...that somehow i was missing some kind of special ability that everyone else had...

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When I was small I used to think there was at least a week of "NOTHING" between New Year's Eve and New Year's day!

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I thought that 1983 went on for 3 years - had to ask my sister who decided how long a year lasted.

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I never understood "a stitch in time saves 9" (till fairly recently). I assumed it had something to do with sewing up the fabric of time in a kind of star-trek way.

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