i used to believe

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When i was 13 i was going to London for the weekend. When i looked at my planeticket, i saw that the trip took one hour longer from London to Bergen than from Bergen to London. It was a tricky question i finally managed to work out at the end of my journey (with plenty of help from my cousin...)

i might be blonde
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An hour and a half is exactly the same as half an hour

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On New Year's Eve (about to be 1996) around 11:30, I asked my mom when 1995 was going to come again. SHe told me years only came around once and that it wasn't coming back. I started crying hysterically screaming "I don't want 1995 to go I like it here!" My mom told me it was okay and that 1996 was going to be a better year, but I cryed "But 1995 was my favorite!" I had just turned 4 two weeks before this incident.
**What makes this even funnier is that 1995 was the year when:
~My aunts dog attacked me
~I almost drowned in a pool because I thought I was ready for the deep end.
~I fell off a swingset and hit my head on a rusty fence.
~I ran into the kitchen table head-first and had to go to the hospital (well this was about the third time i did this in my life...i should have learned.
Why on Earth would I want this year to come back?

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When I was a kid - about six or seven years old - I didn't think that midnight was a time of day. I thought it meant that it was late at night - not just late at night, but it had to be stormy to be midnight!

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I didn't used to understand that time moves the same for everyone (well, assuming we are all traveling at the same speed under the same gravitational forces). I assumed that it was only a matter of time until I was as old as the older kids in the neighborhood.

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I didn't quite grasp the concept of time zones, and thought that Chinese kids went to school at night.

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I used to believe that "half an hour" and "an hour and a half" were the same thing, just different ways of saying it, until the third grade when I got into an argument with my friend about it. She asked the teacher, which (of course) proved me wrong and I felt really embarrassed.

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I didnt understand that clock told the time other than the hour or half hour. I had never heard anything else.( 1:00 or 1:30 not 1:28 or something). one day I woke up and saw a clock that said somthing different than the hour or half hour and i thought it was broken so i went around the house throwing all the "broken" clocks away.

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When i was younger i used to belive there was12 second in a minute bc on the clock the numbers went up to 12.I was 6 when i was corrected. Thats sad.

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When I was little, my mom and my aunt used to exaggerate when they talked about late we had stayed up, and they would always say, "We stayed up till 5 o'clock in the morning!"

I remember having a really heated argument with a girl in pre-school one day when all the kids were bragging about how late they'd stayed up. "I stayed up till 11!" "I stayed up till 1 o'clock!"

I marched proudly to the center of the circle and declared, "Oh yeah? Well I stayed up till 5--o'clock--in the morning!" I beamed and waited for the shock of the others.

Much to my disappointment, their expressions stayed the same and this girl argued, "Well I stayed up till SIX o'clock in the morning!"

I rolled my eyes. "You can't stay up later than 5 o'clock in the morning."

For some reason I had been led to believe that 5 am was the latest it could possibly get.

Ivan Elbisivni
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My parents used to scare my little sister and I half to death by saying that if we weren't in bed by 8pm then Wee Willie Winkie would come knocking at our letterbox....we never knew who he was or what he'd do, but hell we were scared!

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When i was little my uncle use to tell me that if I didnt go to bed by 8 o'clock that I would turn into a pumpkin. I didnt learn that that wasnt true until i was 9. I was so confused

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A neighbor kid told me that if a person ever slept for 24 hours they would die. I think that's why I have to have a clock right beside my bed so I can see the time as soon as I wake up.

Jeanne Marie
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i remeber saying to my mum that i only remember Christmas being on Wednesdays. She laughed at me at me, and i then realised how wrong i was but i always thought it was on the same day, I believed that til i was 14,

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When I first heard of the "fourth dimension" and knew it had some connection to time(I was maybe six or seven), I thought of it as an actual underground realm inhabited by dinosaurs and historical figures.

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I used to believe the noon hour was the only time you could eat lunch. If it was before noon it was too early, and if it was afternoon it was too late. Thank goodness that's not true.

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Since my birthday is in September, and since the school year generally began in September, I thought that was when the New Year began. I still envision the calendar starting with September with January in the middle.

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I was never allowed to stay up until midnight on New Year's Eve until I was about 8. Imagine my disappointment when I discovered that a marching band in full regalia did NOT march past my front door "bringing in the New Year". All that time, I'd thought I was really missing out on something when I was sent to bed early.

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Once I told everyone that I saw a clock reach 1:60.

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I used to believe that by re-setting the clock forward for Daylight Savings meant that we'd be ahead by two hours instead. I guess I thought the clock automatically adjusted itself when it was supposed to and that we were tampering by adding another hour.

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