i used to believe

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One New Years Eve when I was small, my mother came up to talk me into bed, and as she left the room she called "see you next year". I started crying and shouted "Why? Where are you going till then?" thinking she was going away for a year!

P x
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When 1969 turned to 1970 my Dad showed me a calendar and tried to explain days, weeks, months, years and decades. I picked all that up quickly enough but couldn't for the life of me figure out how the four digits representing the year figured into the picture. I thought that the year that was ending had 1,969 days in it and the new year was going to have 1,970 days, and this would just keep going on and on, that every year would get longer. But adults were always saying "Every year seems to get shorter." I was totally flummoxed until this was properly explained.

Demitria Monde Thraam
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When I was in the process of learning how to read a clock, I thought that whatever number the second hand was on, that was how many minutes after the hour it was. Like if it was 1:20, I would think it'd be five after one.

I was corrected very quickly about my thinking.

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i used to think that inanimate objects came to life after midnight. i dont even remember someone telling me that, just thought it up. also for some reason i always thought it would be neat to say hello to a streetlamp.

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When I was smaller, I was convinced that time didn't begin until I was born. How could all these people live without me around? I found it impossible. Seeing people on TV who lived before I was even an egg was scary, and drove me crazy.

Dumb-ass Father Time.
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I used to believe that there were two or three days in between each month...a couple of days that had no dates, if you will.

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Around christmas time at the age of eight or nine, I was in the mall with my parents and my sister. I asked what day it was and my sister replied that it was saturday. I said, but yesterday was saturday and she told me that there is a special time of year when the day repeats itself. I believed this for quite some time.

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When i was younger i use to believe that the new year started in October. I dont know why..but it wasnt untill 3 grade when my teacher lead us in the months of the year did i realize that it started with January and not October.

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When I was 6 I used to think there was never a future because it's always present and there might not be a future. -(Hey-I was smart.Never thought of it liked that did ya?)

Present FOREVER!!!!
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I used to believe that 'ten to' (ten minutes until a certain hour/fifty minutes past a certain hour) was actually 10:02 AM. I was surprised that when I asked someone what time it was, it was often '10:02' and never '10:03' or '10:04'.

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when i was young, i believed that there was a universal clock throughout the world that would chime at 12 midnight. my sis told me about it and i stayed up one night with her to listen to it. and i heard it!!! i was so amazed. i believed in it all the way till i was 10 years old, when my sis revealed to me the truth. that night, she sang the chime softly while i looked out of the window, straining to hear the chime of the world clock.

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I used to beleive that when i left a family members house they froze until i came back to see them... I didn't think different until i was ten lol

Frozen in time
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I used to believe that the whole world had the same season at the same time of year (e.g. Summer at December, January and February- I live in the southern hemisphere).

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I used to believe that if you stared at the m,inute hand of a clock long enough time sped up. because the clock at my house was so big you can always see the hand moving

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I too used to believe that when people said a quarter til or quarter after they meant the 25 mins. So I thought it only natural to say a dime til, or a dime after when refering too 10 min. increments.

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I used to believe that when the year 2012 will come, the world will end, just as the Mayas predicted in their calendar.

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As a child I could never figure out how people knew what hour it was when people said its 15 past the hour or so on. I thought their was some trick to it.

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When I was young, I used to wonder
how different things got their
names. When I was about eight years
old, I remember walking to, and from,
church, every Sunday morning, with my
dad. I thought Sunday must have been
called that, because it was sunny.
The only problem was, it always seemed
that my dad and I would get caught in
rain showers, on our walks, every Sunday.
I couldn`t understand this, and I
remember, on countless occasions, asking
my dad why they called it Sunday. I
told him I thought they should have
called it RAINDAY!

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I thought that the higher the number of your birth year, the older you were. Bigger numbers (year)= bigger numbers (age). So, I just knew that someday, since my birth year was less than my brother's birth year, somehow, he was older than me.

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I thought that Boxing Day had something to do with boxing, like watching a global boxing competition.

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