i used to believe

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I used to think that if you drove backwards around the world fast enough, you could go back in time.

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When I was young I thought that if I stopped to tie my shoe or look at something on the ground, another version of me in another dimension would be a few seconds ahead. So, each time I paused during a walk, I'd run to try and catch up to my other self.

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When I was younger I had no concept of time. I only knew that the Rugrats cartoon show was a half hour long. Whenever my mom would do something, say, go to work, I would be like "For how many Rugrats shows?" and she would figure it out and say "For 18 shows." I was obviously obsessed.

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when i was young, when some 1 said time flies, i wondered why there wernt clocks flying aroun

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I thought that whenever i woke up was 1:00 and as soon as i went to sleep it would be 12:00

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i never knew that phrase 24/7 referred to 24 hours a day 7 days a week. i thought it was like another service station as in 7 Eleven.

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When i was like several months old, i thought i was older than everybody else in the world cuz i thought tht months were longer than years. I thought months were the longest periods of time there were, besides hours. Wow, hours were long to me! Hours, I thought, were like centuries

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I used to believe thats people knew some way of telling time I didnt. When they would say its 15 till always wondered how they knew what hour it was I thought it was just a gift I needed to learn

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Because the first hour I learned to recognize on a clock was 12, I thought that when both hands were on a certian number, it was that number o'clock!

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When I was in kindergarten and first grade my teachers would always write the date on the board. So whenever we came back from winter vacation, and I would see that the numbers on the year had changed, I would always wonder... "Woah, how did that happen?"

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When I started taking notice of daylight savings and the process of 'changing the clocks', I used to think that peoples'tongue-in-cheek claims that the curtains would fade, or the farmers would have to milk the cows in the dark, were quite valid.

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As a child I used to believe that at Midnight is when the monsters came out. My brother and I had to be in bed AND asleep by then, or else! I do not know where I got this belief (perhaps from a movie), but I pretty much lived it until high school.

Jake Schlegel
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I used to think the whole world had a common time, and everyone's watch was set the same. The sun was so bright, it illuminated the whole world, and it was only nighttime when the moon covered the sun. When I asked my dad if people on the other side of the world went to bed at 10 in the morning, he explained everything.

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I used to believe that since older films were in black and white, the actual world was in black and white!

Abigail DJ
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When I was a child, I used to believe that in the year 2020 there would already be robots that work for us just like a human person, like flying cars, that transport would make more modern, more digital. but I see that not.

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I used to think that Holisay was an extra day of the week and wondered why it didn't appear on the calendar.

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When I was in Kindergarten I thought the time was according to what I now know as the minute hand. For example, if the minute hand was on 2, I thought it was 2 o'clock. If it was on 3, it was 3 o'clock. Until I learned how to tell time.

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When I was very, very young, I was convinced that a week was half a day.

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I used to count a minute as counting to 100. But to count to say, 6 minutes, i would count to 100 skipping 6, and then count 6 right after 100.

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When I was little I had a common belief. My mom would say "wait five minutes! So I would count...... 1.....2.....3....4......5!!!! Okay mom! It's been five minutes! It's stupid, really.

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