i used to believe

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When I was little I used to believe that at plays, if the main character started out as a child in the first act, they were given a pill or medicine that made them grow into an adult for the second act. It never occurred to me that it was two different people.

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When I was little, I thought time was cyclical, and that the numbered years cycled around like the days of the week or the months of the year. I asked my mom "when will it be 1978 again?", and the response "never" invoked in me an existential fear I had not known before.

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when i was little i use to think that your body had a clock inside it, so when doctors open you up they could see how old your were and then they wouldn't need to ask you

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When I was young I thought that there were ony 11 months in the year...When we were made to recite them endlessly in class, I thought that Junejuly was one month.

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I was told to do things in the "meantime" at school. I used to think the meantime was a season like spring or summer, so i wouldn't do the work and just sat there bemused.

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For at least a couple of years when my folks told me that Christmas was "just around the corner", I knew which corner they were talking about. It was about five miles from out house. I always looked for Christmas weeks in advance whenever we went around that particular corner.

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One day when I was 9, I was convinced that the world would end at around noon because the exact time and date would be 12:34:56 July 8, 1990 (or in number format, 12:34:56 7/8/90 -1234567890)

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When I was small I used to think there was at least a week of "NOTHING" between New Year's Eve and New Year's day!

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As a child I would sing along with the Beatle's "Eight Days a Week" before I had a firm grasp of the actual number of days in the week. For years after, I thought I was miscounting since I couldn't think of the name of the other day of the week.

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When I was little, my mom was trying to get me to go to bed early (I must've been cranky). I protested, saying that it was still light out. She explained that the Earth had stopped rotating for a little bit, and it was actually very late. For years after that I thought that the Earth just periodically stopped turning, then started up again the next day.

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As a kid, I believed that September was the first month of the year. It was when school started, the new TV shows came out, the new models of cars started being advertised. Made perfect sense to me.

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I used to think that the snooze button on a Radio Alarm clock could hold time in one position so you could sleep on and still not be late. I have discovered this not to be true many times since those far off days!

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My birthdate is 6 June, which is the anniversary of the D-Day landings, and my first name is Dawn. I used to believe, right up to my teens, that D-Day stood for "Dawn's Day".

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When I was little I had no idea about 12 and 24 hour clocks... So I thought that people who used the 24 hour clock's day lasted longer than our's.

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I used to believe that the guy announcing the time on my old multi-band radio actually sat in front of a microphone and read it out loud every few seconds. I always wondered how he could do it without ever eating, sleeping or going to the bathroom.

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When my cousins and I were younger we always wanted to spend the night over at one or the other's house. Well, our parents would get around it by saying we could the "second Tuesday of next week." Now, it took us quite a while to finally realize there was no second Tuesday in ANY week....needless to say, it still brings me a chuckle when I think about it.

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I always thought I had been born in 1888, not 1988, but my sister told me it wasn't possible because Jesus had been born in 1888.

Kristine O.
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I used to believe that I had to save my life, like a game, every day or so at pleasurable points, like eating custard or watching my favourite show. This was so that when I die, I can rewind to this point and enjoy the experience once more.

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My father used to always tell me that he could tell time by looking at trees. Not from looking at their shadows or the position of the sun, just from looking at the trees. Often he'd make a guess that was near enough for me to believe him. I distinctly remember the day he told me that it was all a joke I felt like a part of my world had come crashing down ontop of me...I was sure that my dad had some secret magical power.

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I used to believe that the days marked on the calendar with a slash dividing two days were half days so that about mid day it would switch to a week ahead then back again for the next day.

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