i used to believe

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My parents used to tell us "this car won't start until everyone has their seatbelts on!" -- and I thought they meant it mechanically. So I would buckle all the belts of the empty seats so that we would be able to drive.

...When I figured out that the car *did in fact start* even when not all the seatbelts were fastened, I figured it must have some weighing mechanism under each seat that told it whether or not there was a person there, and only needed it buckled if there was.

This theory applied to all cars and vans
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When I first encountered a childproof lock on a car door, I thought it could somehow detect how old you were when you tried to open it, and that it would not open if you were below a certain age.

Alan, Sheffield
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I used to believe that the warning label in our car, which was on the was sunshade, was where the actual air bag would come out from.

Jasmin B.
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I used to believe that the luggage racks on top of vans were used to attach wings to the vehicle. That way if traffic ever got bad, they could just fly over it.

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While driving on the parkways with my family I used to believe that all the cars were racing to where we were going and miles ahead of us there were two speeding sports cars trying to come in first.

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I believe there are horses making the car go fast when people told me the horse power of a car.

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I used to believe that God was the one playing "cars" with our cars. Sounds weird hey?

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My dad told me when I was a kid that if you don't dim the "high beams" when a car is coming towards you it will make them go blind. I remember thinking why do the car companies make things that send people blind. I'm sure I missed the temporarily bit to my dad's sentence.
To this day, I find it difficult to use high beams as I just might send someone blind.

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My mom always told us when we were little, the car wouldn't start unless we were buckled up. So, for the longest time I thought this was true. The first time I had a date when a boy picked up (I was 15) I looked at him in utter astonshiment that his truck would start without being buckled up. Needless to say there were not too many dates to follow.

SuperGirl Mel
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I used to believe that when my dad said to be a good driver you "had to keep your eyes on the road" that meant you had to literally look at the road all the time and nowhere else ... which I thought was dumb because you'd miss everything going on all around you ... like the traffic!

He gave me that advice when teaching me to ride a bike...make no wonder I kept running into stuff.

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I used to believe that the headlights on the cars were like eyes so when we would be in the car at night I would duck or lay down in the seat so the other cars wouldn't see me!

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That a Pontiac Grand Am was really "Grand Damn"

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When I was younger, I used to believe that all the cars traveling on the right side of the highway (where our car was traveling) just so happened to have only red headlights, and all the cars driving on the left side of the highway (oncoming traffic) just so happened to have only white headlights.

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top belief!

When I was four I used to think that the picture and place on the side of a U-Haul truck (you know how the U-Hauls always have the name of some state and a picture relating to said state painted on the side) was where that person was moving to. I would watch the U-Hauls in my neighborhood to see where the people were moving.

I often developed an obsession with places I saw on TV or in my various learning...Egypt, the jungle, the desert...and I kept trying to convince my parents to move there. They'd been talking about moving for a long time and I had a plan that when we DID move, I would change the words on the side of the U-Haul to say "JUNGLE" or "EGYPT" instead of the place we were actually moving to, so then WE'D BE FORCED TO MOVE THERE MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

We didn't actually move until I was 11, and not even out-of-state much less out-of-country xD I still don't know if the pictures on the U-Haul mean that's where you're moving to but I don't care anymore lulz I don't wanna leave tha country anymore

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i used to believe that when i was riding in the car to my grandmas house or wherever we happened to be going that day, that it was a race. i always would think that since my mom never liked to go fast that we had the the worst car in the race, and on our right, there'd be like a corvette that would just zoom off, and on the left would be like an suv that would crush our car and put us out of the race

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I don't really remember this, but my mother tells me a story that when I was about four years old she was driving me home from pre-K and suddenly I yelled, "stop the car!" When she asked why I said, "There's bird poop behind us and I think it's following us!"
I didn't realize the bird poop was stuck to the window, not just floating in the air.

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I used to believe that whatever image was on the UHAUL truck, was what was inside. So when i saw a dinosaur on a uhaul truck, i was afraid!

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My mom told me that the air conditioning came in through the grill of the car, so i alway pointed the air con thing away because I thought that a bug would fly into my face

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When I was younger (5, 6, 7, 8) I used to believe that the indicators in the car knew where we were going and were pointing us in the right direction. I remember thinking "How do they know where we re going!!?? I only figured it out when I was like 13, 14. Haha

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I used to believe that the Do Not Pass signs on the side of the road meant, do not drive by. I always wondered why my mom just kept driving..

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