i used to believe

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I used to believe that all other cars on the road had no drivers. Me and my mum were the only people on the road!

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Some sport cars have a double exhaust. I wondered why. Why would people want to pollute twice as much?

F*ck the environment?
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top belief!

While riding in the car, my dad convinced me that the button for the hazard lights, which is a triangle pointed up, was actually the passenger seat ejection button. He would then hold his finger over the button when I was annoying him. This went on for years.

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i used to believe that, every time my mom and i went on a short road trip leaving my hometown, we were actually leaving the state, so when we would come back in to town i would exclaim,"i sure am glad we're back in North Carolina!" when in all actuality we never traveled outside of the state by a long shot.

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I used to believe that the "cruise control" button in cars meant that the car could drive/maneauver itself.

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Once I asked my mom what the point of wheelchair parking was "you park your wheelchair and walk the rest of the way?"

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When I was a child my mum used to leave me alone in the car with the engine still running, (it was safe to do this in the 70's!!) whilst she would pop in to the shops and I used to believe that the car may be able to drive off on its own. I would sit there absolutely, completely still in case I jogged it enough for it to drive off.

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Well when I was in my teens I used to be really afraid of crashing in a car.. (who isnt) but I felt that as long as I was looking where I was going and what was coming; the person driving wouldnt hit ne thing and would stop on time!!!

Drivin Miss Scarezie
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For a couple years as a little kid, I believed that in certain cars you would peddle like a bicycle to move it because my aunt told me that the car had peddles! I always wondered how she got up the steep hills so easily.

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My dad told me when I was about four that if I opened the wondow on the motorway, my head would fall off. I believed him till I was about 8, but I still don't open the window on the motorway!!

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For some reason I thought any 4X4 vehicle would pull a wheelie when switched into 2 wheel drive.

Richard Davies
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I used to believe that the arch shaped gray lines on the road were made from a massive truck swerving up and down it. I had it in my head that this was an integral part of the road making process. Last year I realized that they were just the shadows from the electric lines above.

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I used to think UPS trucks delivered chocloate milk

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When I was younger, part of my family lived in thise old town that had mainly brick roads. My brother told me when I was about 4 that the brickroads were hollow. I've always pictured.. like a big ol' sewer system. Anyway, I was smart enough to know that cars were heavy ol things.. but i wasn't smart enough to not believe my brother.
I used to sit in the back seat with my eyes clentched and tears streaming down my face.. When I told my parents.. they just laughed..

Well, now I am 31.. and I am smart enough to know my brother was full of crap.. but i still have panic attacks, and start to tear up when driving over them.. Not to mention I speed like crazy down them!

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I used to believe that ghost drivers, were cars droven by actual ghosts or by itself, just as in the cartoons. I never really thought of the name until recently when it was in the news.

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at first i didnt know how people kill birds so my friend told me that cars fly high in the sky and then the diver picks up his gun and shot the bird down so i believed him

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I used to believe that when you took your foot off the gas, the brake lights would go on. I'm still not completely convinced this isn't true...how would I know? I can't see the back of my own car while I drive :P

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When I was little my brothers told me that if you opened all the doors of a car at once then it will fly away. I didn't really like the sound of that one.

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Growng up I lived in a house at the end of a cul-de-sac and the streetlight was pretty near my window. Well, every night the light from the streetlight would change from a yellow-orange to white and move across my room. I didn't know why this happened, but for some reason it didn't scare me. I think I was 12 when I figured out it was just my neighbor coming home late from work and his headlights shining in my window as he followed the curve of the cul-de-sac to get to his house.

Light watcher
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I used to think that blind people could drive as long as they had their blinkers on because the car would tell them which way to turn.

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