i used to believe

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When i was little i thought god made EVERYTHING and when getting into my mums car on the first day of school i would pat the hood of the car and say "wow gods hands were on my car" lol i found out later that day that i was infact wrong!

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When I was young I thought that after pulling out off a petrol station the car would go faster

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Or extended family used to go on camping trips in a state park in western New York every two years and one year the heater in our cabin broke. When I asked my mom if we could just sleep in the car all night, she said no because then we might never wake up. She then explained that car heaters worked differently than house heaters and if they weren't moving they gave off a poisonous gas.
Until I was about 12, I would hold my breath when our car stopped at a stoplight in the winter because I thought if I breathed too much, I would fall asleep and stay asleep forever.

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When I was seven, I used to believe the flying car

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I used to believe when I was little that to get from one level to another in a parking garage, your car was pulled by a giant crane-like lever up to the next level. To this day I still do not understand the construction of parking garages.

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When I was little my mom told me to look "up and down" before crossing the street. So, I would look up at the sky and down at the ground and THEN look left and right fo any cars! LOL!

Anne Marie
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When I was a child, I used to believe that, being an adult, I would never find driver school. Thus, every time I was discovering one in the street, I was concentrating to remember it.

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I used to believe that the US was the only country that used cars.

Kyrie Ann
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there was a button on the inside of the glove compartment of our car i didnt know what it did so i asked my mom"what does thsi button do?" and she says "dont press it, it will make the car explode" ao i never touched the button

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Once, when I was maybe 5 or 6, I was riding in the car with my dad. We were stopped at a red light, and while he was putting something in his pocket the light turned green. We started rolling forwards, and I got really confused because I thought your hands had to be on the steering wheel in order to make the car move.

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When travelling from the farm to the city or whatever in my younger days, I'd see the sign that read 'do not drive on shoulder' and I thought when the man was driving, the lady next to him could not put her head on his shoulder. Nobody told me, I figured it out many many years later.

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When I was little, I used to think car dealerships were circuses. The colorful balloons and inflatable animals were very misleading!

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That cars drove themselves, and they were just for decoration.

Isobel Harrison
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when i was a smaal boy, i used to think that the road had two lanes: one for people heading somewhere, and one for people going home. i'm still not sure i was wrong (philosophicly speaking)

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When i first heard that my family used to carpool before i was born, i imagined a hot tub-like thing inside a mini-van. It didn't help that my brother, sister, and even mother reinforced this idea

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I used to believe, while driving in a car, that we actually didn't move anywhere but the road and surroundings did!

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When we used to go through the drive-thru at any fast food place I thought by father was breaking the law when he got a diet coke. I believed he was "drinking and driving"...

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When I was younger, I used to beleive that if you didn't keep your hands on the wheel of a car at all times it would go out of control and drive any where it wanted to. I used to get scared when my mom let go of the steering wheel

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We were driving in a car at night, and I wanted to read. I turned on the little reading light at the back, but my mum told me to turn it off, because "it's dangerous". I turned it off immediately, shocked. For some reason I imagined that if I kept it on, a giant hammer would come out of the car roof, and smash flat all the other cars on the road as we drove past them. Took me years to work out this wasn't the case, and that my mum just got distracted easily when she was driving.

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i used to believe that air bags were huge inflatable bags of air that would blow up around you if you thought something would be dangerous on the road, and if you were too small you would suffocate!

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