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When i was a young teenage driver, whenever my car battery needed to be "jumped off" with jumper cables, i thought it was called "jacking off" my car, and i proceeded to ask someone to "jack off" my car on several different occasions - oops! :)

tracy b. "t-dog"
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I have always loved cars and driving since I was a little girl. I remember thinking to myself that all the cars on the streets were actually in a line. There was someone in the beginning of the line as there was in the middle and end going where everyone had to go. I always wondered where the first person was and where they will stop so the next person can be first in the line.

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When I was little, we used to take car trips a lot, and from time to time we got a flat tire. From watching my dad change flats, I believed that the hubcap was what held the tires on the car, and if you didn't put it back on, your tires would all fall off. I figured that's why there were all those places along the road with hubcaps for sale - in case you lost one.

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Whenever I was little, I used to be afraid to open the window in the car because I was afraid of my mind blowing away.

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I used to be a little upset and a little confused that we always drove on the right side of the road. I wanted to see what it was like to drive on the left for once, and I could never understand why we didn't. If we were always on the right side, then we'd have to go all the way around the world to get back home, since we were going in the same direction, right?

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I used to believe that if you were moving at 20 miles an hour and wanted to go at 30 you had to briefly go at 40mph to fill in the gap.

i.e. 30mph - 20mph = 10 too little, if you travel at 40mph you have an extra 10 mph to spare which will fill the gap between 20 and 30 and so it would all even out at 30.

I know... I know... physics just wasn't my thing!

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Once, driving on a long journey, my father became worried that his fog lights (also known as main-beam headlights) were not working properly. He got out of the car and Mum flashed the lights from "ordinary" to "fog light". I noticed that Dad turned away whenever it turned to "fog light," and being a nine-year-old who knew nothing about cars, I asked why.

"Oh, if the light shines in his eyes he won't be able to see anything," Mum explained.

Flash forward to me at the age of fifteen, on yet another car journey. We discover that the single-track road that Mum's been driving down is blocked by a closed gate, but the land owner appears out of nowhere and opens it for us. Mum appreciatively flashes her lights, except that instead of putting them on and off, she flicks them to fog light...

"Mum!" I scream. "Turn it off, that's the fog light! He'll go blind!"

Turns out they'd only been talking about being temporarily dazzled...

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When going to the mountains, you drive straight up the mountain. I always wondered how the car would make it straight up the side of the mountain.

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I used to believe that gas station attendants (circa the 1960's) were all men named "Ethel" -- as in, "Fill it up, Ethyl," which is what my dad told the snappily uniformed gas station dude everytime we went to a gas station. (And if you don't know, "Ethyl" was what Premium was called back then!)

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I used to think that the right sides of roads are empty in England, since everyone drives on the left.

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In my moms car there were little ashtrays on the sides of the doors that had a little picture of a cigarette on it so you'd know what it was for. The picture was so tiny, that when I was little, I thought it was a picture of a boat, and that you were supposed to hold on to it if a boat was crashing into your car! Then, when I told my mom my theory, she told me that the picture was actually of a cigarette. Til I was 9 I thought that was there for blind people who couldn't tell what the ashtray was for!

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One day I was asking someone what all the buttons on a car did. I was told that the button I now know as the "Rear Defrost" was a self destruct button and if pushed, the car would blow up in about 10 seconds. I found out MANY years later the truth, only because I never dared to push it!

DJ Aikou
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Upon watching "The Dukes of Hazzard" I believed that there must be a button in all vehicles that would cause them to jump wildly through the air "YeeeHaaw". When I asked my mom where this button was on our ugly red paneled station wagon, she had to pull over she was laughing so hard:)

M of Wiscsonsin
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My friend told me when we were in her car that if you press that button (which wasnt even a button) then you will go flying out of the car roof, from the springs in the seat. I didnt dare touch it. The button was the seat-belt sign.

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During my childhood, I loved the color pink, so naturally I wanted a pink car when I was older. However, I had never once seen a pink car, so I was convinced they didn't exist. I was then determined to become a car egineer when I grew up and build a pink car.

Still searching for that pink car...
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Before I was old enough to go to school my grandmar looked after me during the day, whenever we went out anywhere she told me that if I tried to cross the road when there was a car coming i would "get squashed flat like a penny!" and she would always give me a penny to hold to remind me. This thought petrified me, I was always very careful when crossing the road, and I beleived I would end up as flat as a penny untill I was about 10!

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I used to believe that there was one person who got up really early and had the freeway all to himself. They got to decide where all the traffic slowdowns and stops would be. He would slow down at certain overpasses, intersections or just random places and that is where the traffic would be all day. This changed once I had to start getting up before the sunrise and realized no it is just silly people all over.

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We used to tell my little brother that the power stations on the moterway were where the trolls lived. when the steam was coming out of them they were cooking old cars from the motorway.

We told him that if you break down on the motorway, you have to sit in your car and hold the steering wheel until the trolls came and flicked you home. when my brother saw a car whizzing past he used to think that they had broken down and had been flicked home. It still makes me laugh now.

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My older brother told me that if you hit the "panic " button for your car, police would come to save you from whatever it was you were panicking about.

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I really thought I could "will" a parking space right in front of the store. ie: If I thought about it really hard, I could make somebody move their car just in time for us to have it. If only...

Wishful thinking
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