i used to believe

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One day, as my Mom and I were driving in the car, I asked my Mom what the space above the glove compartment was for. She told me that it was an air bag. I asked what it was and how it worked. She told me it was to protect you when someone hits you. I reached over and punched her in the arm. Of fear of being punched again, my Mom quickly specified that another car has to hit our car. I was a little disappointed that I never got to see what an air bag looked like!

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When I was about four, I had a dream that I accidentaly started our car and managed to drive it all the way to our local post office. It seemed so real to me, I was convinced that it had actually happened. Whenever I asked my parents about it, they would always tell me it never happened. I always thought they were just afraid someone else would find out.

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I used to think that when people were given their driver's license, they were designated a side of the road to drive on. Like half of the people would get the left side, half would get the right. And then I thought it was very coincidental that people never hit each other head on.. it sucks 'cause when I found out how it's actually done (everyone on the right side).. it wasn't my parents who filled me in, and I was sooo embarassed 'cause everyone my age already knew and it sucked haha.

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When I was younger, about seven, I used to think that cars bent when they turned! :)

Brittany Serell
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When I was five, I used to believe that the cars that pulled into my Grandmother's drive-way were going to drive into the yard and hit me. Lol I was dum.

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When I was a child, whenever we went on the highway my dad would tell us to roll up the windows (to prevent the loud sound from the wind rushing by). Because he always said this, without fail, I developed the idea that having your windows rolled down on the highway was illegal.

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I heard that my father's car had been stuck (in traffic) on the freeway. For years, as a child, I thought that if the car drove over the "cat's eyes" or "white bumps" that separate lanes, that your tires might stick to them - holding you still on the road.

Dr Bruce
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When I was REALLY YOUNGE, I thought that the driver and person closest to the other door on the front put thier feet through holes and pushed the car forward like that and they lean to the side to turn... o_O boy, was I wrong...

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I used to believe that when you stuck your hand out of a window of a moving car that something would come and hit it and your arm would come off.

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At age five I used to think that unless one of the windows was rolled down, everyone in the car would suffocate within minutes. I would always keep my window open (even in winter) and think smugly about all the times I had saved my mom, dad and brothers' lives.

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When I was little I used to believe that cars drove themselves.

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I used to believe that if i sat ontop of the car, the roof would cave in, and i'd find myself inside the car with a hole in the roof... Plus i was a heavy kid, so that did'nt help.

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I still cannot come up with a reason why I believed this, but when I was little, I was convinced that it was illegal for children to ride in a car. So, one day, I solemnly promised my mom that if we were pulled over by the police, I would hide under the seats so the police couldn't see me. She stared at me in utter disbelief.

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I used to believe that the cars in a junk yard went there to wreck. I actually asked my mom why they did this....of course, thats when i found out the truth...after much laughter at my expense. lol

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I used to think that pedestrians were a certain type of people - like people were designated as pedestrians or drivers, and that's what you were for your whole life.

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In order to keep me from sticking my arm out of a window, my mom told me a story about a little boy wsho stuck out his arm to wave to his friend and didn't hear his mom roll up the window. he got his arm CHOPPED OFF by the window closing. My mom went into vivid deatail that horrified me. The scary part is I kept searching for the arm on the road. Years later when I told my mom, she denied it.

Need a Hand?
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When we were younger my sisters and I would have to hold our breath whenever we went under a tunnel or bridge in a car. There wasn't really much reason we just thought we had to. This became a problem if the tunnel was very long or if there was a traffic jam inside it!

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When I was younger I used to think that cars were being driven by giant children like toy cars but you couldn't see their hands because they were invisible. I don't know why I thought this though because I also thought that other people could see the giants except for my family.

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the car didnt move, the road did.

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When I was a kid I thought that if you got run over by a transport truck it wouldn't hurt because the wheels were just filled with air. I guess I had no concept of weight back then.

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