i used to believe

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I used to believe that cars were just like people, in the fact that the front of the car looked just like a person, with the eyes being the lights and the grill being its mouth. Each car seemed to have a different look to it, so I thought that each person in the world had a car that looked just like their face or personality.

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I used to like to watch Laverne and Shirley when I was little. In the opening credits, it showed them working in some kind of bottle factory, and one of them would stick there glove on a bottle as it passed through the factory (does anyone remember this?) Well, when me and my sister were little and fighting over something in the car, my dad would say, "give me that, I'm putting it in the glove compartment". I used to cry and get totally freaked out because i thought the glove compartment was where Laverne and Shirley worked and that I would never see my toy again.

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I used to think that testosterone was a brand of motor oil.

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I use to believe those plastic bins that people put on top of their cars were Big Mac containers from McDonalds. I would always want one of those giant Big Macs

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I used to think that the side of the road that i was driving on to go somewhere meant that everyone else was going away from their homes and going somewhere too. And the other side of the road that i wasn't traveling on meant everyone was going home from being somewhere else.

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i thoght that my parents car talked to me , when my parents sent that car to the dump i creid and had a going away pary for the car.

rachel A.K.A. supergirl
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When I was little, I always thought that when ever the car would stop (at stop lights) that mom or dad were just letting the car rest.

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Maybe it was because I used to play with Hotwheels when I was little, but I always thought that cars were puched by Adam and Eve and the angels, who were all invisible. Gasoline and engines never entered my mind. And why Adam and Eve? Who knows.

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I used to believe that cars are like us humans. With feelings and thoughts in their 'mind'. I would look at a car [for eg. a squared old car] and classify it as vintage and immediately i would think of old people. Whenever i see real cool cars [like Ford convertible] the image of handsome would appear. I, too usd to think that the cars will compete for the best like us humans. Wild eh? My dad knew of this belief of mine, so he would ask for my opinion before buying a new car. What do you know? I guess this belief was some good after all since i now have a 'honest-looking' car...

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When I was young, I thought the blind people's cars had, instead of headlights, a white cane, to try the ground for bumps, holes and stuff

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I use to believe my moms car would come to life at night and dance around on the back wheels when everyone was sleeping and i would always peep out the window.

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we used to use automatic car washes all the time, and the window i sat next to in the car had a leak(like, 3 drops would get in). i convinced myself that if the window had a leak the car would fill up and i'd drown. i wigged out so bad that every time we'd use the car wash, i'd get out and wait for them to come through!

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I used to think ( when i was about 5 ) that whenever my mom put lots of groceries in the back of the car, it would tip over! I know better know though.

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I used to believe that if I lay facing my window at night, cars with glowing eyes and sharp teeth would come through the window and take me away forever.

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i used to believe that whenever the tyre of a car passes over a cigarette butt on the street the car will explode immediately. i was really wondering how could all the drivers avoid passing over the cigarette butts on the street so that all these cars do not explode.

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When I was about 7 years old, my father, working as a diving instructor, told me that two of his students, one blind and the other almost blind, were driving around together. The car was built of the blind man, and the other was telling him where to drive all the time...
Now I'm 33, and there was just a few years ago i figured out that my father was tricking me!

Norwegian girl
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When I was about 3-7 years old, my parents parked their cars in a drive way that was directly behind our living room wall, and whenever we would be sitting in the living room at night, I was afraid that my parent's cars would start up on their own and try to kill us all by running through the living room wall and run us over.

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I used to think that if i stuck my arm out the window while in a moving car, it would get caught in the other cars' windows when they rolled them up. I also thought that if i stuck my head out, rocks would fly into my eyes

craig, pennsylvania
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when i was younger and for years i used have to run up to somthing before a car would pass. but if the car passed me on the road before i could get to , say a lamp post. somthing bad would happen. i couldnt go asny where without having to do this. it ruined my life

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I remeber when i was about 5( 8 yrs. ago) that when the car door autamatically locked, that the energizer bunny, the one with the drums did it, dont ask me why I thought that, i was 5.

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