i used to believe

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I used to think that the railing you see on highways was what made the road called a "turnpike" and so was confused when I would see them on regular streets.

Jean Lewis
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for some werid reason when i was a kid i used to duck any time i went under a bridge in the car i always got the feeling that i was going to bump my head

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This was our son when he was about 4 years old. We were out for a drive and Bruce started crying and we asked him why. He said through tears that we were running out of gas. We asked him why he thought that. He said well, the gas gage read F and that ment finished. We asked him, well then what did E meen and he informed us that it ment enough.

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I used to believe...that airbags we literally bags of air that came out in car crashes so that if the drivers were in a crushed/mangeled car, they could still breather (with the air from the bags.) Made sense at the time.

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I did not understand that the reflectors on the road were reflecting our own light from the headlights back at us. I thought that there were tunnels under the road and that there were people shining flashlights from little holes underneath.

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top belief!

When I was little, around 4 or 5 maybe, and my dad would change gears in the car while we were driving somewhere or would pass someone, I would constantly ask "are you going the speed lemon?" I actually meant "speed limit". I remember my dad laughing when I would ask it and he didn't bother correcting me for a long time.

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I used to believe my dad totalled our Opal stationwagon using a sledgehammer. Actually, he'd wrecked it in an accident, and my mom had taken a picture of him next to it, holding a sledgehammer -- but since he had such a temper, I thought he'd just gotten mad at the car!

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I used to believe that you had to turn on the turn signals in the car to turn or the wheels would not turn.

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I used to believe that the brown UPS trucks kidnapped kids.

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I had a young friend whose father would press what looked like a button on the dash of his car, telling her it was turbo boost, and then put his foot down a little harder on the accelerator so the car would 'take off'. She was utterly convinced that the car was going faster because the turbo boost had been switched on!

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I stuck a bunch of coins in one of our cars tape players one time because I thought they were tapes.

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When I was about 7, my family was in the car and I overheard my dad discussing maintenance, telling my mom that when we got home we'd have to rotate the tires. I was very confused and asked, "Um, Dad, aren't they rotating right now?" I got harassed about that one for years.

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When I was test driving my first car, I sat on my left foot and instructed my passanger to wait for me to be all the way out of the car before they started sliding across the seat. They laughed. I found out the windows worked without taking the door apart and my passenger laughed harder. When I swerved a puddle so the water wouldn't splash inside the car and ruin thier pants, they laughed so hard they cried.

While I was growing up mom never had really nice cars. As a kid I didn't notice the differences in my friends cars and ours. I guess one big difference was that the floor wasn't rusted away and all the doors worked. I always thought our car was alot nicer than everyone else's because it was bright yellow.

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when i was about 7 or 8 years old, i thought that cruise control meant that the car would drive automatically where you wanted it to go, which is why i was always confused why adults spent time actually doing the driving themselves, until i figured out that cruise control meant something els a year later...

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i used to believe that if you missed an exit when you were going on the freeway, that you would have to keep on going until the end of the freeway to turn around and come back.

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The first time I heard the term Cruise Control I thought it meant that if you pushed that button in the car you'd go straight to the harbor to get on a boat.

Amy R.
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When I was just over 4 years old my Parents, two younger brothers (2yrs. & 5 mos.) and myself were on the way to visit family in California from New Mexico. Somewhere in Arizona the engine began knocking and making a lot of noise. Dad pulled to the side of the highway and raised the hood with smoke boiling out from the engine compartment. I overheard him explain to my mother that the engine was about to "blow up". My youngest brother (5 mos.) was still in the car asleep. I became hysterical and started screaming "Get the baby! Get the baby! I couldn't understand why my parents were being so nonchalant about the baby beng in the car when it was about to explode.

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I used to believe that cars, trucks, and vans were actually dinosaurs and the groaning of the engine was them roaring when they were upset. I was freaked out by the huge tanker trucks for this reason!

★☆ sister jam ☆★
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One day when I was in the car with my aunt she rolled down the car windows and told me not to stick my arm out the window, or it would be cut off. So, I beleived that there were mean people sitting in front of their windows watching for little kids to stick their arms out the window and when they saw one, they would run out to the street with a huge knife and cut the kid's arm off.

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I had an irrational fear when I was a child of being lost. When we were driving, if my mom was at all unsure, she and my sisters couldn't use the word lost or I would start panicking and throw a big fit. My sister's got to where they would egg this on. They would start to realize that maybe mom had taken a wrong turn and they'd say, "Mom, are we lost?" And that's when I would start crying hysterically. For some reason, I thought if you were lost, you were LOST, and you could never be found again.

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