i used to believe

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I used to believe that the handle between the two front seats in the car was call a "mercy brake". Because, "MERCY! I need to stop NOW!"... and because my mother spoke with a strong accent. I was in my teens when I figured out it was an emergency brake.

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when I was little I believed, with the encouragement of my parents that the red hazard light button was really an ejection button for bad kids. In addition if the button were to be pressed one would go flying through the sun roof. I think I believed this for a good solid 3 years ;)

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My dad would push the button that turned the AC on in our family minivan and make a WHOOOSH sound effect, claiming that our minivan had just turned into the Bat-mobile. I believed him every time.

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I believed my mom controlled the speed of our car by how much she moved the steering wheel. Not much movement = Fast. Lots of movement = Slow. I was terribly disappointed when I shared this finding with her and she told me about the gas pedal.

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when we first got a car with electric windows, my sister and i coulnt figure out how the windows went down. my dad told us that they were voice activated.you just had to say "windows down" and windows up". he would say it and then at the same time, press the button. my sister and i tried for ages to get the windows down by voice, and he kept telling us we were saying it wrong.

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when i was little i didnt realise that the rounded lines on the windscreen of the car were from the windscreen wipers. i asked my dad what they were from and he told me it was the reflection of the mountains.

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i used to think cars were propelled along the road by the exhaust from the exhaust pipe. This was back in the 80s when you could actually see the exhaust coming out.

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If you hold your breath and make a wish under a highway tunnel it will come true....I still hold my breath :)

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I used to believe that cars with red lights had to drive on the right side of the road and that cars with white lights had to drive on the left side of the road. It didn't occur to me that all cars have red lights in back and white lights in front.

Classic NYer
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I used to believe that if you opened a car door on the highway, the door would rip off and you and everyone else inside of it will be sucked out. I'm 15 and I still have a sneaking suspicion that its true, and never tried it.

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When I was younger, if I was being bad, my mom used to tell me that there was an eject button in the car just for bad children. I used to look for it and press random places in the car, however I was still always afraid of being ejected.

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I believed as a child that the highway was a big race. I always liked when my dad passed people, thinking we would be that much closer to being first!

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I suppose I must have had the properties of limos and taxis confused as a child, because I used to think taxis were only for very rich people. We had to ride one away from the airport one day and the whole ride (as I held the seatbelt closed because it was broken, I may add) I kept saying under my breath, "I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich."

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I used to think that ducks lived under bridges as whenever we drove under a bridge my mum and nan would shout "DUCK!"

Later, after I had realised, I thought that you would hurt your head if you didn't duck down.

Beccie Boo
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I used to believe that when my family and I would go on trips, or even just drive somewhere, that the car would not actually move. The world would move under the cars' wheels and we were always in the same place. So we did not drive to places, they actually came to us.

Matt Bybs
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I used to believe there were little people in the place where the car windows go when they are down who cleaned the windows.

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When i was younger and saw the lights on the dashboard when you turn the blinker on, i used to think the car was doing it by itself and was telling my parents where to turn.

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When I was little I didn't know that cars drove on different sides of the road, so I'd sit there at the side walk and wait for 2 cars to go by and wait for them to crash.

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When I was a kid my pops used to tell me and my siblings that the button to turn on the hazard lights in the car was an ejector seat and that if any of us were misbehaving he would shoot us all into the sky. Needless to say, I never touched that button until I started driving...

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When i was little I thought the windshield wipers on a car worked because it was the job of little people to move them back and forth.

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