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road signs

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When I was a wee lass, I thought that the big blue and white "H" signs on the side of the road indicated the burial place of a famous horse. It of course leads you to a hospital.

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There was stretch of road with big, old overhanging trees that Mom used to drive us through. At the beginning of this stretch there was a "Beware of Pedestrians" sign. We told our little brother that "pedestrians" were like octopus in the trees that dropped down on the cars and ate everybody in them. He believed this for years, poor kid.

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i always thought that a DEAD END sign
as where they put all the road kill.

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When I was younger I used to believe that the small sand bags workmen put onto mobile roadworks signs to stop them blowing over were dead baby pigs!

After all they are a similar colour.

In the back of my dad's car one day I saw lots of them laid out on the side of the road, I screamed out - "mum, dad, there's been a massive accident, look at all the dead pigs" !!!

Simon Turner
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road sign in the uk--danger-heavy plant crossing -----i thought it was a giant tree dragging itself across the road

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When I was just learning to read (1st grade), I would read all the signs on the road. While going to the beach in the summer, I saw many signs on the road that said, "No littering. Fine $100.00. I thought the sign said, "No littering, Find $100.00" which, to me, meant that if we found some trash, we could get $100 for it. I immediately told my parents that if we cannot find trash, we could just bring some, place it on the road and then say we found it.

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we have road signs that have a car on two wheels with two squiggly lines underneath it. (which means the road is slippery) but when my brother was little he beleived that if you parked your car in this area, people would draw lines on your car.

r. varney
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when i was about 7 or 8 my dad had to get surgery on his left shoulder. a few weeks after that, we were driving on the highway and there was a sign that said "left shoulder ok," meaning it was ok to drive on the left shoulder of the road. but i thought the "highway people" (whoever they were) were personally talking to my dad and asking if his shoulder was ok!

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Not long after learning to read, I thought the number next to the town name on road signs was the temperature of that town, not the distance to it. I guess that came from my dad always wanting to see the weather on the news each night. I think I even said one day "look how hot it is in that town" and my parents agreed. I don't think they were being mean, I think they just had no idea what I was on about. I was a little embarrassed (but no one else knew my little secret) when I learned what the numbers really meant.

I also wondered how you were supposed to be able to read those signs with four or more different towns on them, because being a new reader, I could barely read the top one before we passed the sign, and of course everyone read at the same speed as a 4 year old.

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My dad told us that there was an Indian who had escaped from prison and his name was Falling Rock. So every time we saw one of those signs that say "Watch For Falling Rock", we would look up and down the mountains convinced we would see that Indian lurking there. I think he probably told us this to keep us quiet on long car trips because it worked.

Falling Rock hunter
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When I was young, I saw a sign saying "No dumping," as in no dumping trash here. I was amazed that it was illegal to dump your boyfriend/girlfriend in some places!

Miss Mustard
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I used to believe that the people who made the "Slow Children Playing" signs were very mean people,After all it is rude to call a child slow.

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As a 3 year old, I always believed that the little "no right turn" signs on traffic islands meant "no boomerangs". Being from Australia, this seemed perfectly logical until I was about five or six and my dad explained what they really meant.

Jem, Melbourne
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I was scared of one particular roadsign. The triangle one with the two old people on it. I thought that they were zombies and wheresoever (good word, that) that sign was, there was always the danger of zombies. Every time we drove past the sign I would lock the car doors and shut the windows.

Santa Puncher
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As a young child I used to believe "Pedestrians" were members of a religious sect that refused to stop for automobiles, so special "pedestrian crossings" were put up to keep them from being run over. Apparently, this was wrong.

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When I was little and I saw a sign that said..
I thought it meant about people not cars(LOL)
Every time I saw those signs I thought ..''What do I do now?!'' Do I crawl,hop,,jump,etc... to not get in trouble? What if I wasn't close to the sign ? Will I still get in trouble???!!! Till This day whenever I see 1 of those signs I just roll my eyes and laugh!!!!

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I used to think that the "Wrong Way" signs that indicate one-way streets were meant to tell you that you personally were heading the wrong direction to your destination. I asked my mom once how that sign knew where people we going...

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my son thought that the warning triangle on the road side that said "deer" meant that that streach of road was expensive.

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I used to believe that the arrows on road signs that point upward (meaning forward) were meant for the roads in the sky. I always wondered why my parents never took that road, I used to imagine that the road was probably invisible, I dont know what I was expecting to find up there, and Im still yet to find out how to get to them....lol

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When I was a kid I asked my Dad about the cautionary road sign that said "Watch for Ice on Bridge". Dad told me that every so often the people form the local radio station would place a block of ice on a bridge and if you called in to the radio station and reported it before the ice melted you would win a prize.

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