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road signs

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When I was about 13 or so...yes pathetic I know...my dad told me that the "No Outlet" signs meant that those poor people didn't have electricity and of couse I believed him for a couple months actually.

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years ago when my dad and i use to go to my fiends cottage it would take all night almost so my dad always asked me to talk to him n keep him awake so i did but one day i guess i was annoying him he stopped by this school zone sign saying" watch for children" and he told me the sign ment that if parents kids got annoying all they had to do was drop them off at any of those signs and trade them in for watches i shut up instantly and hit the power lock button till we got there and he giggles the hole way there
next summer i figured it out and then tried it on my cousins n friends
hehehe its being used everywhere i know to little kids that were as gullable as i was

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When I was young(er) and stupid(er), I thought that when there was a street sign with an arrow pointing up, that it refered to cars actually going up, instead of forward.

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My mom and I use to go to the Outlet every weekend. We were on our way and went down a one-way road when I saw a sign that said "NO OUTLET". I said "mom, this isn't the right way ,see there's no outlet store".

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I use to think that when you say a "one-way" stree sign you had to follow it.

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I used to believe that "No outlet" signes meant that that street didn't have any electrical outlets. This was a warning for anyone wanting to move into that area.

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I used to think that the signs on the side of the road that said "Do Not Pass", meant do not pass that point. I would yell at my mom and tell her to turn the car around, and would get scared something was going to happen, when she didn't.

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When driving with my grandpa one day, we passed a "Blind Drive" sign. I asked him what it meant, and he said "It means that the driveway doesn't have any eyes". I believed for the longest time after this that most most driveways had eyes and could see me (and I felt sorry for the ones that didn't)

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my mom believed when she was little that a street sign that said don't walk meant you better run.

Sara Mclen
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When I was a kid we went on a road trip through the mountains in PA. All along the roads are road signs stating watch for falling rock. My dad told me and my siblings that the signs were there because along time ago when Native Americans lived there that there was on named Falling Rock. He was kicked out of the tribe for murdering the chief. After they kick him out they found out he didn't do it and went looking for him only to never find him. That is why the sign are there cause till this day he has not been found. Of course we believed him lol.

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In our town there was a street called Broadway. While driving through a neighboring town, i saw another street sign deemed Broadway. I thought, Wow! I didn't know that road led all the way here! I didn't realize that a lot of towns have the same street names :]

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When I was a kid I thought the traffic sign with a camera on it meant that there was a good photo opportunity ahead, like a nice landscape. I had been driving for about 3 years before I realised they were speed camera warnings.

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I used to believe that cats' eyes in the road were the dwarves' lanterns shining as they came home from work - and the reason you couldn't see them on the road when you looked behind was because the dwarves had been scared by the car and turned them off to hide themselves.

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When I was little, I thought that a road bearing a "No Exit" sign meant that, once you'd entered the road, you weren't allowed to leave. As we once lived on such a street, I wondered how Dad could drive in and out every day.

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As a child growing up in Connecticut, my mother read me the sign with the arrow on the entrance ramp to I-95 south. It said Connecticut Turnpike. Since we made a turn to get on the entrance ramp, I always thought that the entrance ramp was THE Connecticut Turnpike, and I was so proud that it was in my town!

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When I read the Pedestrian X-ing signs I didn't understand the X was for cross so I tried to figure out why only pedestrians could ex and why ex-ing was only done on crosswalks.

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I used to believe that the "No Parking" sign meant no Peeing. Sounds logical...

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My sister and I used to believe that highways were required to have an exit each mile. It wasn't until we were well past driving age when we realized otherwise.

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When my mom was young her and her family would always go camping and pass signs that said "falling rock." My grandfather told my mother and her siblings that falling rock was the ghost of an indian princess and if you looked real close maybe you could find her. My mom believed this up to the age of 17. Until one day when she was driving with some of her friends and started to tell everyone to look for falling rock.

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Everyday when riding the bus I would wonder how many miles we had to travel. I asked my mom to explain this to me, she said that a mile was a measure of distance. So I said ok and went on with that. Later on I thought that a mile was the distance between 2 road signs.

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