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Traffic lights are operated by creatures who live inside them

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Traffic lights are operated by creatures who live inside them. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to traffic lights.

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When I was little I used to believe that traffic lights were controlled by mice in a metal box next to the intersection and that they would jump on a big button for whatever color was to be next.

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Someone was hanging on the back of all the traffic lights operating them and when you drove past them they would quickly jump to the other side.

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I used to believe that a mini police-man was hidden in the traffic lights and changed the lights whenever he wanted

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i used to believe that there were teeny people in traffic lights that would watch you and decide when they wanted to change the lights. if the light took to long i would start to cough or hold my leg and pretend to be hurt so the teeny people would feel bad for me and change the light!

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When I was little I use to believe there were workers under each street intersection controlling traffic by switching lights. Pushing the pedestrian button would choke them, making them change the lights quicker. I always felt guilty pressing the button more than once.

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when i was little i had to conclutions on how the trafic lights worked. A. there was someone at home sitting on their couch and everytime they chaned the chanle someware in the world a light would change. B. there was small creatures in side of them that changed it. they were blue green purple black and several other colors and shades.

little miss
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i used to believe that there were mini man inside traffic lights that fighted over whose turn it was to push there button

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I use to believe hamsters controlled traffic lights. They had to run on a wheel all day to make the lights change at different times. I believed that for a while then I got smarter and "knew" that it was a guy in an office with a bunch of remotes that had red and green on them. He didn't need a yellow one because when he pushed red, obviously, it would turn yellow for a little while before it was red.

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My dad told me that traffic lights changed color because a little monkey ran along the wires and changed the light when it was time. I believed this until I was about 7.

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When I was little, I believed squirrels lived inside street lights and would change them from red to green and such.

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top belief!

I used to believe that there were Polly Pockets inside every traffic light that were fighting against each other to get their "light" turned on. I always rooted for the green one.

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When I was little, I used to think that there were little tiny men that lived in traffic lights that turned them red, yellow, and green. I thought they would watch outside to see if cars where there so the lights would change!

anne marie
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When I was little I thought that sitting inside of the traffic lights, there was a gorilla with a parrot sitting on his shoulder. I thought this gorilla and parrot duo were responsible for making the lights change.

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I use to believe that little elf-like people worked inside traffic lights and changed the colors back and forth for our safety.

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I used to believe that dwarfs lived in traffic lights and pushed pedals to turn on/off the red, green, and yellow.

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I used to beleive that little drawf men were inside each traffic light, making them change colors.

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I used to think that there were little faeries inside the traffic lights, and they would hold up a red, yellow, or green light – whichever was appropriate at the time.

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I thought that little tiny people changed the color of the stop lights.

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I thought that there were little skinny men inside of traffic lights that switched the lights from red to yellow to green.

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When i was little i used to belevie that there was little tiny people inside the traffic lights controlling them, And whenever i heard about a car accident on the news i though that the little person must ahve fallen asleep.

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