i used to believe

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My friend lived not very far from railway line. During the 'hussle and busstle' of a normal day the trains were not noticed butwith the quiet of the evening and night, the express trains would pass by with the usual train type sounds.... she thought the sound was the moon passing over the house!

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As a kid I was often taken to the train station to watch the trains come and go. I observed how the switchmen operated the switches to send trains down one track or another. In this case, they pulled up a lever to change a switch, and the lever seemed to block the "wrong" track, that is the one the train wasn't supposed to go proceed on. I got the idea that that was how the switches worked, blocking the wrong track, so if a train started down the wrong track, it would hit the lever, bounce back, repeatedly if necessary, until it happened to go down the right track, the one not blocked by any lever.

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I used to believe that St Pancras station was actually St Pancreas. It wasn't until I was corrected - at age 21 - that I realised what I was saying...

I'm 38 and have just had a belief shattered!

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I used to believe that when you went over railway crossings, and did not lift your feet from the floor, they would be cut off

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When I was little and I was in kindergarden we went to the train station to see a train inside. Then one of my mates said the train was about to leave, but in portuguese, wich is my country, the train leaving can be said like the train is going to brake, so I was really scared, because I thought that the train was going to break by half with us inside

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I used to think that train drivers actually steered, and that it was incredibly hard to keep the wheels of the train exactly on top of those narrow tracks.

I was crazy about trains, but this huge responsability made me not want to be a train driver.

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As a very young chid I belived when on a train that there was a very strong man outside at the back of it pushing it along very fast with all his might.

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I grew up in London, and when my sister was about 4 or 5 my mum said we were going to the underground and my sister cried because she thought we would never come up again.

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when i was little i used to believe that if you stepped over the yellow line on the platform at the train station that the train would whoosh past and you would get caught on it and never be seen again

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I thought the underground railroad was actually a subway.

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Until I was 11 I used to think that travelling on the train under the English Channel would be like in an aquarium where you would be able to see fish swimming casually around you.

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When I first heard of the Underground Railroad I thought it was like a subway passage but a normal train went through it, and while the trains were going through african americans and the Underground Railroad helpers would just be down there selling clean clothes and food to African Americans. I thought that the "rail road" just lead straight to the northern states

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I used to think that the upper struture on the caboose was the rest room.

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This train station that me and my mother used often when I was a young child had a small shelter, this shelter had a barred door for security, however, when I was little, I thought the train station had a jail cell for people who were had at the station.

I wanted to include a link to a picture of the 'jail cell', however, links are not allowed to prevent advertising.

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When I was little, my family and I took a trip into New York City. We went via subway, and spent the entire day underground, without coming up to the surface. After returning home, I was feverishly wondering: "What's on top of New York City?"

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I used to believe that if the tyres were removed from a car, it would work perfectly on a railway track.

Anonymous Whistleblower
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When I was 5, we lived in the country for a year. There was a rail line that passed right near the bottom of our vegetable garden; I could see the trains from my bedroom window. I would stay up all night watching them. At the end of the year we moved to Winnipeg, and I just assumed that there would be a train through our backyard there, too. I was crushed when there wasn't.

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i used to believe that if you put a penny on a train tracks that it would derail it

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As I was little I thought the rails in the city for the tram were electrical - so I never stepped on them, I jumped like a rabbit, as I didn't want to get an electrical shock. Today I know better but I still don't feel well, when I have to cross those rails and I try to avoid, stepping on them... (I am 31).

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In my area, passenger trains run in the day time, and freight trains run at night, so I thought there were only passenger trains, never seeing the freight trains and all. I have always heard the horns on the freight trains and night, and I thought they were just the passenger trains for many years, until I eventually discovered that they sound completely different than the horns on the passenger trains during the day. I started going crazy wondering what those horns really were, and I thought that maybe they weren't even trains. Luckily, I am now a teen, and I stay up later than I used to. I sometimes go outside at night and see the freight trains go by, realizing that they were the sources all along.

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