i used to believe

Established in 2002 and now featuring 76652 beliefs!


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random beliefs

For thanksgiving my grandmother would always make this red cabbage steu and my aunt told me that it was frog guts. I still wont eat it to this day.

Anon (from food : nasty food)
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i used to believe that santa knew the future and would not bring you Barbies if you made them do bad things with Ken.

Anon (from make-believe : father christmas)
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I used to think that the bus I was on would tip over if I didnt go against the force of gravity. I never used to sit upstairs as I thought it was harder to balance myself when sitting up there.

Anon (from transport : buses)
score for this belief : 4.5 vote this belief up vote this belief down

I thought there was a such thing as a writing stutter and people who had it would write things like "They went to the bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb-boat"

Nate (from language : reading)
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When I was a kid I always thought that at night if the toilet lid wasn't shut burglars would sneak in to the house through the toilet!

Anon (from toilets : fear of)
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Whenever the TV broadcasters had problems, a standard message would go up saying "technical difficulties, please stand by." I thought I had to get up and go stand by the TV. :-)

jansam (from media : tv)
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I used to think that the crime scene was the same place for all crimes. I always wondered why people would keep going back to it.

Kate (from the law : criminals)
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My mom use to make me vacuum our house all the time. She told me if i stopped vacuuming the carpet would catch on fire.... I believed it.

Lo (from at home : around the house)
score for this belief : 4 vote this belief up vote this belief down

My older sisters had me believing that electricity was in the ground. I used to go around plugging radios and all sorts of stuff into the ground, and to my surprise, it never worked!

John Pratt (from science : technology)
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I used to think that people were either born adults or kids and you were paired up with and adult who takes care of you.

anonymous (from grown-ups : family)
score for this belief : 5 vote this belief up vote this belief down

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